Boston Shines, park cleanup coming soon

Annual street and park cleanup events are needed more than ever after the winter’s litter-filled snow soiled the neighborhoods. If you’d like to pitch in, the opportunities start this weekend.

Franklin Park is hosting a cleanup this Saturday, April 25, from 1 to 4 p.m. The park needs a spring cleaning, especially after being used as a snow farm. Gloves, tools and trash bags will be provided, at the event, which meets at the Valley Gates parking lot at Circuit Drive and Glen Lane inside the park. For more info, see

This weekend is also the first round of the City’s Boston Shines cleanup event, which begins with plantings and similar events around town. But Boston Shines’ main volunteer cleanup in Jamaica Plain arrives Friday and Saturday, May 8 and 9.

Individuals, groups and organizations can volunteer for many cleanups around JP on those dates, supervised by the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services. For registration and other details, call 617-635-3485 or see

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