ZBA Approves Two Projects

The Zoning Board of Appeal (ZBA) on Tuesday approved proposals at 19 Spalding Street and 19 Malcolm Road in Jamaica Plain.

19 Spalding Street

At 19 Spalding St., homeowner Hudson Klebs proposed to convert a portion of his existing attic space to one bedroom and one bathroom. This proposal had come before the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council (JPNC) Zoning Committee, which approved it.

Kleb said that the space is currently deeded as storage space, and no dormers are being proposed as part of the project. It will just fit within the existing confines of the attic space.

City Councilor Michael Flaherty was in support of the project, and the ZBA reported that it had received a “couple of support letters.”

The ZBA voted to approve the proposal with BPDA design review.

18 Malcolm Road

At 18 Malcolm Road, architect Derek Rubinoff proposed a renovation to the existing single family dwelling, including finishing a portion of the basement to include a full bath, a rec room, and a man cave. Above the existing sunroom, a master bathroom is proposed as an addition.

By adding a second floor to that sunroom, a master bathroom will be added to the existing master bedroom.

He said that the ceiling height in the basement is “above code” and “at least seven foot six.”

Conor Newman of the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services said that the Mayor’s Office received “five letters of support, including one from a direct abutter” as part of the community process for this project.

City Council Michael Flaherty was in support, and the ZBA reported that it had also received the support letters that Newman mentioned.

This proposal was also heard and approved by the JPNC Zoning Committee.

The ZBA voted to approve the proposal as presented.

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