He’s the oldest known alumnus of America’s oldest free public high school

Meet Arthur ‘Harold’ Green, 107, of English High School, Class of 1934

By Stan Hurwitz / [email protected]                  In 1916, World War I had been raging for two years, the National Park Service was founded, and Einstein completed his theory of relativity. There were signs of the coming Russian Revolution. You could mail a letter for two cents. And Arthur ‘Harold’ Green was born!                  Arthur Green was born in Savannah, Georgia, and the family moved to Baltimore when he was four amidst The Great Depression. At high school age, he was sent to Boston (Roxbury)  as part of the Great Migration to live with his godfather where the schools were better and there was less racism, according to his only child, Myra, a news writer at ABC News in Baltimore.                   She says the family chose EHS because of its reputation: an excellent teaching staff and sports opportunities including baseball, football and diving.                  We asked Myra if her dad’s birthday cake had 107 candles. “You know,” she chuckled, “He’s had so many birthdays, I can’t keep track of what we did to celebrate each one!”                  Last year, the Baltimore Orioles honored Arthur, one of their oldest fans, by inviting him to throw out the first pitch at an Orioles – Colorado Rockies baseball game, a dream since he turned 100. He wore uniform number 106, of course. He loves to reminisce about how incredible it was to watch in person legendary players like Babe Ruth, Jackie Robinson and Lou Gehrig.                  During the 2023 baseball season, Arthur was featured on Good Morning America as the ‘Play of the Day’ when he threw out the first pitch. Last October he participated in ‘Veterans Honor Flight’ in Washington honoring service members who perished. Highlights included visits to war memorials and monuments and laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.                   Arthur worked as a mailman until he was drafted. He served with distinction during WW II and the Korean War.  Later he returned to his job at the USPS until he retired in 1972. Then he launched two side gigs, as a real estate owner and as a wedding photographer.                   Those who know him say that, through the decades, Arthur has exemplified EHS’s 203 year-old principles of ‘Honor, Achievement and Service’ that underlie an EHS education.                  Arthur still lives independently and takes long walks. His secrets to longevity? Keeping active, challenging his mind with crossword puzzles, reading the paper, and eating lots of fruit.                  As we said last year, “We thank Arthur whose life story adds lift to our step and joy to our heart. As more of us live longer, we hope to encounter a similar life well lived.”                  The EHS Alumni Association’s annual fundraising activities support newsletters and today’s English High students through Scholarships, Tutoring, the Career Pathways Program, and Music & Arts. For more info and/or to donate: https://englishhighalumni.org/ ; 781-956-4774 / [email protected]

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