Month: July 2014
Invitacion, July 4, 2014
El plazo para la lista de eventos es el 15 de julio al mediodía para la publicación del 18 de julio. Mande a [email protected]. Atención: Marca el 617 antes de los números que salen abajo. Reuniones Jamaica Plain South and…
Editorial: What would Curley do?
The Curley House on the Jamaicaway should not continue to sit largely empty and idle. The City should find a way to revive it for public service. The mansion of former mayor and governor James Michael Curley has a suitor…
Editorial: Finding park policing money
A recent horrible crime in the Arboretum, and reports of other crime in Franklin Park, are no reason to panic. But they do highlight a need for better policing in the budget-slashed park system. Parks are best patrolled by rangers,…
Local author publishes social justice kids’ book
Local author Althea Smith released her new all-ages book, “Clashes: Lessons In Class,” where she tackles common social issues, earlier this year. “It started with the premise that children learn very young that there are some people who have and…