Month: May 2023
JPA To Resume In-Person Meetings
The Jamaica Pond Association (JPA) held its regular monthly meeting last Monday, May 1. Chair Kay Mathew and fellow members Rosemary Jones, Jasmine Crafts, Tony Dreyfus, Tamara Pitts, Peter Steiger, Peter Elmuts, Michael Reiskind, Franklyn Salimbene, Nancy Mazonson, Barry Schwartz,…
SNA Not Opposing BMS Paper Project
By Michael Coughlin Jr. The Stonybrook Neighborhood Association (SNA) gathered together on Monday, May 8, for its bi-monthly meeting and, in doing so, voted to not oppose a project at 3390 Washington Street – the site of the BMS Paper…
Open Streets Coming Again to JP in June
Special to the Gazette Mayor Michelle Wu announced five Open Streets events including Jamaica Plain, and expanding the family-friendly, free pedestrian spaces to East Boston and Allston-Brighton. The addition of two new locations to the Open Streets events this year…
JP Centre/South Main Streets Elects New Board Members for 2023
JP Centre/South Main Streets has elected three new board members to their Board of Directors at their recent Annual Meeting. JP Centre/South Main Streets held their 2023 Annual Meeting on Wednesday, April 19, at the Footlight Club in Jamaica Plain.…
Jamaica Plain Author on ‘Must Read’ Titles for the 23rd Annual Book Awards
Massachusetts Center for the Book (MCB) has announced the “Must Read” (long-listed) titles in the 23rd Annual Massachusetts Book Awards program. The titles represent achievements in fiction, nonfiction, poetry and young people’s literature by Massachusetts writers and illustrators during 2022.…
Roslindale Village Main Street News and Notes
Mother’s Day Ideas Mother’s Day is this Sunday, May 14! Are you Ready? If not, Birch Street House and Garden has you covered! Elizabeth and the BSHG Team are ready to assist you with your greeting card and gift shopping.…
Events in Roslindale
Register for Summer Farmers Market Wellness Series Roslindale Village Main Street (RVMS) is seeking local businesses and organizations to join our Summer Farmers Market wellness series. The Roslindale Farmers Market Wellness series features a mixture of both physical classes and…
Largest Pizza Festival Returns to Boston’s City Hall Plaza
The Boston Pizza Festival is pleased to announce its return to City Hall Plaza in Boston’s government center. The largest consumer pizza event in New England will take place on Saturday, June 24 and Sunday, June 25 from 11 a.m.…
Happy 201st Birthday, Frederick Law Olmsted!
Sunrise to Sunset 201st Birthday Program was held on April 26. The program had Mr. Olmsted began on the Western side of Jamaica Pond, walked around Jamaica Pond and walked into Olmsted Park. Mr. Olmsted walked back into Jamaica Pond…