For the majority of our readers — who are vaccinated (because we live in Eastern Mass.) — the reasons being given by those who refuse to get the shot, even when they are dying in the hospital, are inexplicable. The…
Month: August 2021
Letters to the Editor: Put Kendra Hicks in City Hall
Dear Editor, I met Kendra Hicks when she was in the 8th grade. She was teaching basic Bachata steps at a street festival in the Latin Quarter of JP. I remember being impressed by her skills, confidence and patience, as she…
Letter to the Editor: Mandate Is Step in Right Direction
Dear Editor, Mayor Janey’s indoor mask mandate for Boston is a great first step in helping arts organizations and arts audiences find their way back together. As a sector, the city’s arts community appreciates clear guidelines to help ensure the…
Supporting Local Musicians
Mayoral Candidates Use E-Mail Inundation This Time for Fundraising and Exposure
There’s one way this summer to know that the end of the month is coming – and that is by the inundation of fundraising e-mails that storm inboxes from all five major mayoral candidates appealing for financial help with personal…
JP Crime Rate Declines
On Thursday, Aug. 5, District E-13 of the Boston Police Department (BPD) presented its monthly virtual police and community relations meeting, where it shared the most recent crime statistics compiled by the Boston Regional Intelligence Center. One chart examined Part…
All Aboard for the ‘Merch Store’ Express
Another aspect of the digital campaign fundraising arm is what has now become known as a ‘Merch Store,’ or an online campaign merchandise store. For some candidates, gone are the days of handing out combs, fingernail files and bumper stickers…
JP En Quinto Lugar En Tiroteos
El jueves 5 de agosto, el Distrito E-13 del Departamento de Policía de Boston (BPD) presentó su reunión mensual de relaciones comunitarias, donde compartió las estadísticas delictivas compiladas por el Boston Regional Intelligence Center. Un gráfico examinó los datos de…
Community Listening Session Held Regarding Dogs in First Church Burial Ground
With the lack of official dog parks in the neighborhood, some JP residents have taken to using the burial ground at the First Church in Jamaica Plain to exercise their dogs. Other residents are upset with this, saying they do…
Supt. Cassellius Addresses Expired Licensure; Will Take Test Aug. 14
Supt. Brenda Cassellius apologized to the School Committee at the Aug. 4 meeting for letting her superintendent’s license expire on July 31, and pledged to take the licensing exam on Aug. 14 to bring her into the proper certification. The…