The preliminary gauntlet we just pulled through was a fabulously bloodless municipal massacre, the kind of free-for-all preliminary that inspires thrilling political prose, and that makes, breaks and cremates careers. In the process—and certainly in the immediate aftermath—we’ve learned lots…
Author: Chris Faraone
Politics as Unusual: On election eve, a robust refresher on the race thus far
As a master rhetorical chef at the baloney buffet that is our 2013 mayoral race, I’m officially lost in the kitchen. After writing two-dozen columns on the contest and attending more than that many forums—and in the process waxing on…
Politics as Unusual: In a dream city gov’t, most candidates would have key jobs
I’ve already said this an embarrassing number of times in the past several months, but the pool of candidates pitching to be the next mayor of Boston is an extraordinarily gifted gaggle. Even as someone who takes pride in his…
Politics as Unusual: In a dream city gov’t, most candidates would have key jobs
I’ve already said this an embarrassing number of times in the past several months, but the pool of candidates pitching to be the next mayor of Boston is an extraordinarily gifted gaggle. Even as someone who takes pride in his…
Politics as Unusual: Arroyo may be just what Boston needs
There’s a remarkable candidate for mayor who I’ve largely and unfairly ignored in more than two dozen columns I have filed on the race. I’ve mentioned him a few times—heck, I’ve even noted long-shot pro-life nutter David James Wyatt on…
Politics as Unusual: Dorchester is home to the race within the race
In the kind of raucous and exhilarating election that we have on our hands, Dorchester is an intimidating gauntlet. Even residents and seasoned campaign operatives can get lost in the tribal abyss. Unless you’re a third generation ward captain who…
Politics as Unusual: Dorchester is home to the race within the race
In the kind of raucous and exhilarating election that we have on our hands, Dorchester is an intimidating gauntlet. Even residents and seasoned campaign operatives can get lost in the tribal abyss. Unless you’re a third generation ward captain who…
Politics as Unusual: ‘Ed reform’ cash makes Connolly biggest threat to BPS
I didn’t plan on writing about schools this week. I already had another column mostly finished when I woke up today and found a whopper in the Boston Globe titled, “$500,000 push for Connolly planned.” It’s a piece about how…
Politics as Unusual: In this blue city, conservative votes can still count big
Unlike what we saw in Missouri this week, there’s no rodeo in Boston where a clown could please a crowd by sporting a caricature mask of President Barack Obama. Nor do we have gas stations with rebel flags flying in…
Politics as Unusual: In this blue city, conservative votes can still count big
Unlike what we saw in Missouri this week, there’s no rodeo in Boston where a clown could please a crowd by sporting a caricature mask of President Barack Obama. Nor do we have gas stations with rebel flags flying in…