I am writing to express my strong support for HR 3195, the Americans with Disabilities Restoration Act of 2007, and to thank US Rep. Stephen F. Lynch for cosponsoring this important bill. In 1990, Congress improved the lives of millions when it enacted the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). As a result of this law, millions of people with a disability were protected against discrimination in the workplace, schools and other public places.
However, recent court decisions have dramatically limited the scope of ADA. Many people who manage their condition with medication or other treatments are now viewed as “too functional” and are no longer protected by the law. That’s wrong.
HR 3195 would correct this injustice and restore the basic rights of all people with a disability, including epilepsy. Nearly 220 members of Congress—Democrats and Republicans alike—have cosponsored HR 3195. Few, if any, health care bills can boast such bipartisan support. Congress did the right thing when it enacted the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990. It can now revive that spirit of bipartisanship by swiftly enacting HR 3195 into law.
Charis Loveland
Jamaica Plain