As advocates and residents who care deeply about the future of the Forest Hills area, we believe that our neighborhood streets are a vital element of a vibrant community. Every day, though, we see on those streets the unwanted impact of poor driver behavior, including increased commuter traffic, unsafe vehicle speeds and driver inattention to pedestrians.
This lack of respect by drivers affects the quality of neighborhood life, the integrity of neighborhood bonds, and the safety of residents and visitors. A family visiting a tot lot, a child crossing the street to go to school, or an older couple out for an evening stroll should not have to walk in fear.
The Casey Overpass replacement project, the subject of much discussion and debate, has the potential to exacerbate these problems during its different stages of demolition, construction and future operations. The resulting disruption to residential life is independent of the choice between the at-grade or bridge alternatives.
To address these current and likely future problems, we ask that the City of Boston undertake a comprehensive traffic-calming design and implementation project in the neighborhoods adjacent to or near the Casey Overpass, working in coordination with Massachusetts Department of Transportation’s ongoing planning.
Traffic calming augments traditional traffic control methods such as signage and police enforcement with engineering-based solutions designed to self-enforce the rules of the road, increase pedestrian visibility and reduce vehicle speeds. Traffic-calming methods range from quick and inexpensive roadway changes to more involved modifications to intersections, curbs and sidewalks. Comprehensive traffic calming engages the community to choose solutions that enhance the unique character of each neighborhood street.
Traffic calming in the Forest Hills area would go beyond simply mitigating the negative impacts of traffic diversion during the overpass demolition and replacement construction. It would also permanently improve driver behavior on neighborhood streets, deter excessive cut-through traffic, and enhance the livability of the communities near the Casey Overpass now, during construction and well into the future.
MassDOT should join the City as a partner in this effort by designating Casey Overpass traffic mitigation resources to be used as part of this comprehensive traffic plan.
We are prepared to work closely with the City and the entire community to make this project a success. Let us look beyond any differences we may have about the future of the Casey Overpass and commit to making our neighborhoods safer, healthier and more livable.
Frederick Vetterlein, Stony Brook Neighborhood Association
Michael Halle, Boston Police E-13 Traffic and Parking Committee
Julie Crockford, Emerald Necklace Conservancy
Wendy Landman, WalkBoston
Kevin Wolfson, Livable Streets
Pete Stidman, Boston Cyclists Union
Christine Poff, Franklin Park Coalition
Bob Dizon, JP Bikes
Don Eunson, WAG
Sarah Freeman, WAG
Jody Burr, WAG
Emily Wheelwright, WAG
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