A Needham man is facing child pornography possession charges after his former employer in Jamaica Plain allegedly found porn on his work computer. Keith L. Millan, 55, was charged last week in JP’s West Roxbury District Court. He was fired…
Month: February 2012
Giant Loss
Editorial: Leading Bromley-Heath
Just like that, 40 years of tenant management at Bromley-Heath is at an end and the Boston Housing Authority is in charge. The silence from key players is deafening and the situation looks strange. But we believe this can become…
Editorial: All aboard for T solution
Unreliable transit service that doesn’t even run every day. Funding that disappears to pay someone else’s debt. The prospect of transportation users paying far more for little or no benefit. It sounds like the MBTA’s hated plan to cut service…
Letter: Overpass choice must consider trade-offs, details
The article in the Feb. 3 Gazette on delays and traffic has a need for clarification (“Overpass delay continues”). I am the author of the traffic report submitted to state Rep. Liz Malia. I announced up front that I would not…
Letter: Overpass traffic questions still not answered
As a Casey Overpass Working Advisory Group (WAG) member, representing the Stonybrook Neighborhood, I have participated in a year’s worth of Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) meetings. During that time, traffic flow has been a major concern, especially for those…
Letter: Thanks for holiday help
The holiday season at the Elizabeth Stone House began with our annual Thanksgiving dinner. Staff and board members served over 125 adults and children, which included current residents, past residents and members of our community groups. Dinner was provided by one of our…
Letter: Traffic calming should be part of overpass project
As advocates and residents who care deeply about the future of the Forest Hills area, we believe that our neighborhood streets are a vital element of a vibrant community. Every day, though, we see on those streets the unwanted impact…
Letter: Forest Hills should have beautiful bridge
I don’t live near Forest Hills, but I feel that the future of the Casey Overpass is important to all Jamaica Plain residents and not just those who live in or commute through Forest Hills. The current bridge is unattractive…
Letter: In support of ‘three strikes’
Potential conservatives have been described as liberals who haven’t been mugged yet. If so, the six-dozen or so attendees of a recent Jamaica Plain Forum and Union of Minority Neighborhoods meeting in Jamaica Plain have the potential of being de…