Sights and Sounds, 6/8/12

The deadline for listings is noon, June 19 for the June 22 issue. Send listings to [email protected]. Note: 617 should be dialed before numbers below, unless another area code is given.

Special Events

JPNDC 35th anniversary celebration, Sat., June 9, Blessed Sacrament Campus, 365 Centre St. noon-2pm: Annual Meeting, 2-4pm: Community celebration with live music, food & fun activities. Info:

Boston Pride Block Party JP edition, Sun., June 10, noon-7pm, Perkins Street. Info:

Pride brunch, with performance of “99% Stone,” a musical, hosted by The Theater Offensive, an LGBT arts organization, Sun., June 17, 11am-1pm, UFORGE Gallery, 767 Centre St. Info:

Butterflies Over Boston, 12th annual monarch butterfly migration and summer solstice celebration at Jamaica Pond, hosted by La Pinata. Sun., June 17, 1-3pm. Info:

JP Regan Youth League Annual Picnic, Sat., June 30. Location TBD. Info:

First Thursdays, community art shows and walkabout, throughout Centre & South streets. Thurs., July 5. Info:

Lantern Festival, with dance performances and lantern designing. Thurs., July 12, Forest Hills Cemetery lake, 95 Forest Hills Ave. Info:

Circle the City, car-free streets between Franklin Park and Jamaica Pond, with live performances, outdoor fitness, dance and yoga classes, Farmer’s Markets, bike clinics. Sun., July 15, 11am-4pm. Info:


Youth Open Mic nights, rappers, musicians, dancers, comedians, actors, poets, etc. welcome. First Fridays: July 6. First Baptist Church, 633 Centre St. Info: [email protected]/524-3992.


Natural Curiosity: A retrospective of images by Gordon Morrison, through July 1, Arnold Arboretum, 125 Arborway. Info:

The Gilligan’s Island Series, paintings by Annie Weatherwax, along with photographs Lance Colby Hatch, through July 2. James’s Gate, 5 McBride St. Info: 983-1760.

Sabor Latino: paintings & photos by Latino artists, through June. Connolly Library, 433 Centre St. Info: 522-1960.


Gender-Free/English Country Dance, beginners welcome and encouraged. 2nd and 4th Tuesdays (5th Tuesdays: experienced) of the month, 7:30-11:30pm, First Church, 6 Eliot St. Info:


The Migraine Solution book talk, presentation by authors exploring new research related to migraines and their treatment. Tues., June 12, 2-3pm, Faulkner Hospital, Huvos Auditorium, 1153 Centre St. Info:

Book discussions at the Connolly: Mon., June 25, 7pm: “Little Bee” by Chris Cleave. Connolly Branch Library, 433 Centre St. Info: 522-1960.


Three Sisters by Anton Chekov, three provincial sisters who long with all their hearts to go to Moscow, adaptation by David Mamet. June 8, 9, 8pm, Eliot Hall, 7A Eliot St., $16-$21. Info:

In the Groves: A Summer Solstice Journey, storyteller Diane Edgecomb accompanied by Celtic harper Margot Chamberlain, $20. Fri., June 15 & Sat., June 16, 6:30pm. Arnold Arboretum, 125 Jamaicaway. Info:


Wednesday night Radical Movie Series, June 13: Can we talk? June 20: Tough Guise. June 27: Broken Rainbow. Lucy Parson Center, 358A Centre St. Info:


Connolly Branch Library: Wednesdays, 10:30am: Children’s Films. Mondays-Thursdays, 3:30-5:30pm; Mondays, 4-6pm: homework assistance. 433 Centre St. Info: 522-1960.

Egleston Sq. Library: Tuesdays, 10:30am: preschool storytime, featuring puppets, songs games and fingerplays. Wednesdays, 10:30am: Babies and book sat the library. 4pm: homework help. 2044 Columbus Ave. Info: 445-4340.

Jamaica Plain Library: June 14, 6:30pm: Black Americans on postage stamps, presented by Kantigi Camara. Tuesdays 10:30am: Toddler/preschool storytime. 3pm: Creative Drama Children. Wednesdays, 10:30am, baby and books. Mondays-Fridays, 3:30-5:30pm: homework assistance. 12 Sedgwick St., Info: 524-2053.

Summer Fun children’s festival, sponsored by the city’s Parks & Recreation Dept., puppets, discounted sailboats rides, face painting. Sat., June 9, 1-3pm, Jamaica Pond. Info: 635-4505.

Family art class, wheelchair accessible, Tuesdays 10:30am-noon. Family Resource Center, 1542 Columbus Ave. Info: 522-1018.

Swim League, Boston Center For Youth and Families seeks youth participants ages 6-17 for a competitive swim league. Experience not necessary, but participants must be able to swim one length of the swimming pool, Hennigan Community Center, 200 Heath Street. Info: Bladimil Pujols, 635-5198/[email protected].

Playful Paws Playgroups, each class may include storytime, animal encounters, biofacts, crafts. For kids 18 months-3 years with a parent. $8-$10, Wednesdays, 10:15-11am, registration required. Franklin Park Zoo, One Franklin Park Rd. Info: 989-3742/

Art, Woodworking and Sewing, Bookbinding and more at the Eliot School, classes start throughout the year. Days, evenings, weekends. The Eliot School of fine and Applied Arts, 24 Eliot St. info/course listings:

Learn to stiltwalk with Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St. Sundays, 11am-1pm, $5. Info: 857-498-2438.

Toddler Drum Circle, a weekly drop-in gathering of toddlers 1-5 and parents to play, dance and drum, coordinated by Cornell “Sugarfoot” Coley, Saturdays, 9:30am-10:30am, Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St., $8. Info: 935-7614/[email protected].

After-School Teen Welding and Teen Jewelry Workshops now available from 3-5pm on Mondays and Wednesdays at Stonybrook Fine Arts. Info:


Knitting Group, Thursdays, 6-8pm, JP Branch Library, 12 Sedgwick St. Info: 524-2053.

Egleston Orchard work days: June 9, 24, July 7, 22, August 4, 19, Sept. 1, 16, 29. Info: [email protected].

Boston Jewish History bike ride, leaving from Franklin Park Zoo’s Giraffe Entrance, 1 Park Rd., Sun., June 10, 10am-1pm. Info:

JP Spring Roll, 4-mile bike ride. Meet at South Street Mall at South and Carolina streets. Sun., June 10, 10am-1pm. Info:

Tours & Talks

Forest Hills Cemetery walking tours, Sun., June 10, 2pm: Anne Sexton & E.E. Cummings. Sun., July 1, 2pm: Independent thinkers. Info:

Guided tour of Franklin Park, offered by the National Park Service/Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site. Sun., June 17, 10am, meet at picnic tables across from Shattuck Hospital, rain or shine. Info: 566-1689×221.

Jamaica Plain Historical Society walking tours, Green Street, Sat., June 9, 11am, Southern Jamaica Plain Health Center, 640 Centre St. Woodbourne neighborhood, Sat., June 16, 11am, from Bethel AME Church, corner of Walk Hill and Wachusett streets. Info:


Children’s Theater Project offers year-round theater classes for children ages 5-7. Tuesday afternoons, 4-5pm for fifteen weeks during fall and winter/spring terms. 7a Eliot St., Info: Carol Gallagher, 913-8951.

Salsa dancing lessons, Wednesdays, 7:15-8:45pm, Curtis Hall, 20 South St., $15. Info: 635-5193.

Shim Gum Do (Mind Sword Path), zen sword, karate & meditation classes, Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St. Info: 429-8024/[email protected].

UForge Gallery: “Spectrum,” painting, Wednesdays, through June 20, $205. “Stories,” assemblage, Tues., June 19, 7-8:30pm, $85 or Saturdays, 9:30-11:30am, June 23 – July 14, $175. UForge Gallery, 767 Centre St. Info: 553-4480.

Buddhist meditation classes, Thursdays, 7-8:30pm, through April 19, $10. St. John’s Episcopal Church, 7 Revere St. Info:

MindBody/Health Promotion Center offers yoga, meditation and stress reduction classes.  10 Green St. Info: 983-4226.


Hyde Sq. Task Force 5k, to benefit youth community leadership programs. Multiday, June 5-9. Info: [email protected].

Taste of Legacy Place Under the Stars, food sampling to benefit The Italian Home for Children, $30-$35. Thurs., June 21, 6:30-9pm, Legacy Place Parking Garage, 680 Legacy Pl., Dedham. Info: Julie Clerc, 524-3116.

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