At-Large City Councilor Felix Arroyo, who lives in Jamaica Plain, got a first-hand account on bike safety on Dec. 6 when he cycled to work with several bike activists and later co-hosted a City Council hearing on the issue. Arroyo…
Month: December 2012
Former terrorist talks about path to peace
Katherine Power, a self-described former terrorist involved in one of the city’s most infamous police murders 40 years ago, talked about her conversion from the “politics of rage” to peace at the Jamaica Plain Forum on Dec. 7. “The politics…
State drug lab fallout continues
The former chemist behind the state drug lab scandal has been indicted on 27 charges, while another top state Department of Public Health (DPH) official is on the way out. The Gazette has also confirmed that at least one of…
Market Day
Tree Removal
Invitacion, Dec. 21, 2012
La entrega para la lista de Invitación es al mediodía, el 31 de diciembre para la publicación del 4 de enero. Manda a [email protected]. Nota: hay que marcar 617 antes de los números que salen abajo, si no tiene otro…
Arts programs return to English High
Fifty years after losing its voice, music is returning to English High School. After all English High’s arts programs were cut back in the 1960s, new headmaster Ligia Noriega-Murphy has tasked music teacher Eytan Wurman to bring them back. “Some…
South Ender runs for City Council
Michelle Wu, a South End attorney, last week announced her campaign for an at-large Boston City Council seat in next year’s election. “In Boston, we can lead globally by innovating locally,” Wu said in a press statement. “Innovation shouldn’t be…
Sights & Sounds, Dec. 21, 2012
The deadline for listings is noon, Dec. 31 for the Jan. 4 issue. Send listings to [email protected]. Note: 617 should be dialed before numbers below, unless another area code is given. Special Events Holiday Fine Art and Craft Fair, with…
Editorial: Good food, good planning
The opening of the new Harvest Co-Op Market on Washington Street in Forest Hills is good news. It’s also the result of good planning. In a little over a year, JP has gone from being underserved by large-scale grocery stores…