Agenda, Feb. 1, 2013

The deadline for listings is noon, Tues., Feb. 12 for the Feb. 15 issue. Send listings to [email protected]. Note: 617 should be dialed before numbers below, unless another area code is given.


JPNC Public Service Committee, petition of Same Old Place for a change in its beer and wine license to change the manager from Frederick Ciampa to Eric Ciampa, Tues., Feb. 5, 7pm, Curtis Hall, 20 South St. Info:

JPNC Zoning Committee, agenda TBD, Thurs., Feb. 7, Farnsworth House, 90 South St. Info:

JP Branch Library renovation meeting, hosted by BPL, Thurs., Feb. 7, 6pm, 12 Sedgwick St. Info: 524-2053.

Monthly meeting, Thurs., Feb. 7, 7pm, Curtis Hall, 12 South St. E-13 Police Latino monthly meeting, Thurs., Feb. 14, 7pm, Nate Smith House, 155 Lamartine St. Strategic planning, Thurs., Feb. 21, 7pm, District E-13, 3345 Washington St.

S. Huntington Ave. Corridor Plan, discussion of new Boston Redevelopment Authority guidelines for developments in area, hosted by BRA, Tues., Feb. 12, 6:30pm, Hennigan School, 200 Heath St. Info:

Jamaica Pond Association Board of Directors, first Monday of the month, 7pm, Jamaicaway Tower, 111 Perkins St.

Egleston Square Organizations, including JPNDC, the YMCA, 826 Boston, Teen Empowerment, St. Mary of the Angels and more meet at 1pm on the first Tuesday of every month. Info and Egleston Square Events Calendar:

JP Problem Properties Committee, first Wednesday of the month, 10:30am, E-13 Police Station Community Room, 3347 Washington St. Info: Robert Torres, 722-2060.

Jamaica Hills Association, second Wednesday of every month, 7:30pm, Springhouse, Allandale Rd. Info:

Special Interest

Centre/South Main Streets “meet and greet,” gathering for potential new board members, Mon., Feb. 4, 6-7:30 p.m., Loring-Greenough House, 12 South St. Info: 971-8699 or [email protected].

Ward 19 Democratic Committee 2013 caucus, Sat., Feb. 9, 10:15am, Curtis Hall, 20 South St. Info: [email protected].

State of Our Neighborhood forum, organized by Jamaica Plain Forum, Tues., Feb. 12, 6-9pm, Kennedy Elementary School, 7 Bolster St. Info:

Office Hours

State Rep. Liz Malia, third Friday of each month, 8-9:30am, J.P. Licks, 659 Centre St. Info: 722-2060.

City Councilor Matt O’Malley, Fri., Feb. 15, 8-9am, JP Lick’s, 659 Centre St. Info: 635-4220.

Jullieanne Doherty, JP Coordinator from the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services, 4th Monday of the month, 2-6pm, JP Branch Library, 12 Sedgwick St.


Nativity Prep School open house, for 4th & 5th graders, Sat., Feb. 16, 9:30-11am, 39 Lamartine St. Info:

Support group for LGBT parents with young children, Wednesdays, 7:30-9pm, Parlor Room, St. John’s Church, 1 Roanoke Ave.  $60 for the series, packages available if both partners are participating.  Info: [email protected].

Summer crafts program registration, Eliot School, 24 Eliot St. Info: or 617-524-3313.

Support Group for Young Parents, a program of Jewish Family and Children’s Services, open to all faiths, for parents with children from birth to one-year, registration not required. Thursdays, 10:30am-noon. Info: 781-647- 5327/[email protected].


Free fit kits, mesh bag filled with sports equipment to play a number of games and activities, sponsored by BCYF. Available at Hennigan Community Center, 200 Heath St. Info: 635-5198.


Yoga classes, meditation and stress reduction classes, low cost, some free, English and Spanish, MindBody/Health Promotion Center, 10 Green St. Info: 983-4226.

Care to Care, a support group for family caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias, second Wednesdays of the month, 6:30-7:30pm. Springhouse, 44 Allandale St. Info: Meredith Griffiths, 522-0043/[email protected].

Stroke Support Group, last Weds. of every month, 1-2pm, Faulkner Hospital, 1153 Centre St. info:


Ethos workshops for healthy aging, Chronic disease management Tuesdays, 10am, SJPHC, 640 Centre St., begins Jan. 22; Powerful tools, Wednesdays, 4:30pm, Ethos, 555 Amory St., begins Feb. 6. Info:

Crossroads Café, free lunch and social event for seniors and their guests, often featuring live music and educational presentations. Food made with local produce and other healthy ingredients. Bread, produce, milk, and leftovers to take home as available. Saturdays, First Baptist Church, 633 Centre St., 12:30-2pm. Info: 524-3992/[email protected].

Community Cafes, entertainment, good company and a tasty, hot meal, sponsored by Ethos. 3 JP locations: Mon-Fri, 11am-1pm, Farnsworth, 90 South St; Weds.-Fri., 11am-1pm, Soul & Salsa café, Julia Martin House, 90 Bickford St.; Weds. & Fri., 9:30am-1:30pm Nate Smith House, 155 Lamartine St. Reservations required, $2 suggested. Info: 522-6700.

Workshops for Older People Raising Children, support and training for child caregivers where at least one caregiver is over 55 and child is not Department of Children and Families-involved, 10am-12pm, 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 157 Green St; 10am-2pm, 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month, Julia Martin House, 90 Bickford St. Info: MSPCC, 983-5850.

LGBT Bereavement Group, a project of Ethos and the LGBT Aging Project, call 522-1292 to find the group closest to you.


Free bike maintenance class, Sat., Jan. 19: Rotational Systems, 11am, Egleston Square Market, 45 Brookside Ave. Info:

Free BPD-led self-defense class, Jan. 28, 30, Feb. 4, 6, 6-8:30pm, VA Hospital, 150 S. Huntington Ave. Info: Elisa Reid, 343-5624/[email protected].

Free self defense classes, Saturdays, 12-1pm; Mass Bay Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy, 363D Centre Street, Hyde Square. Info:  617-686-9654/

Citizenship Information classes, Tues., Feb. 19, 10-11 a.m. or Wed., Feb. 20 6-7 p.m., Anna Cole Community Center, 10 Lamartine St. Ext. Info: 617-350-5480, ext. 200.

Buddhist meditation classes, Thursdays through Feb. 21, 7-8:30pm, $10/adult, $5/seniors & students, St. John’s Episcopal Church, 7 Revere St.  Info:

ESL Conversation Group, practice speaking English with other adult new English-learners, Thursdays, 2-4pm, Connolly Branch Library, 433 Centre St. Info: 522-1960.

Art, woodworking, sewing & craft classes for adults and children year-round. Info:

Study Island, state standards in math, reading, writing, science, and social studies with interactive features and games, Curtis Hall, 20 South St. Info: 635-5193×116.

GED Program, GED, beginning to advanced English, Transitions to College classes; plus individual tutoring, computer classes, and college and career readiness advising offered by the JP Community Centers Adult Learning Program. Evenings, English High School, 144 McBride St.; mornings, Curtis Hall Community Center, 20 South St. Info: [email protected]/635-5201.

Boston Neighborhood Network Open House, learn about trainings and broadcasting opportunities available through Boston’s cable access station, first and third Thursday of every month, BNN Studio, 3025 Washington St. Info: 708-3224/[email protected].

Spanish-English Language Exchange, English speakers can learn Spanish and Spanish speakers can learn English, Saturdays, 11:30am-1:30pm, Connolly Branch Library, 433 Centre St. Info: 522-1960.

Classes at the Arnold Arboretum,


Hyde Square Task Force seeks volunteers to tutor high school students in any subject at JP youth center, evenings and afternoons available. Info: [email protected]/318-6640.

Volunteers to help seniors get around, at least three years of driving experience, a clean record and an insured, registered and inspected car required, about 2 hours per week. Drivers also earn ride credits that can be used for friends or family, or donated to supplement low-income riders’ fares. Info: 508-309-7375/[email protected].

Tutor adults, JP Adult Learning Program seeks volunteers to help students improve their English, pass the GED, gain computer skills, and get into college and career ladders. Minimum two hours a week. Info: [email protected]/635-5201.

Jamaica Plain Ecology Advocates, seeking volunteers for litter cleanups and more. Info:

Faulkner Hospital, active adults to volunteer at various areas in the hospital, including patient information, the Taiclet Family Center, gift shop and the Retail Therapy Center. Info: 983-7424.

Springhouse Retirement Community, volunteer activities can include reading to a group. Cooking, playing music or calling a bingo game, 44 Allandale St. Info: Jacki Katz [email protected].

The First Baptist Church in Jamaica Plain seeks volunteers for the Crossroads Cafe, its Saturday lunch for seniors. Volunteers needed for set-up, cooking, serving, performing, or teaching a subject of interest to seniors. 633 Centre St. Info: 524-3992/[email protected].

Ethos on Amory Street is looking for volunteers in the following areas: friendly visitor, medical escort, shopping assistant, telephone reassurance caller, office assistant, ombusman, money management, internships and other group projects. Info: 477-6623/[email protected].

FriendshipWorks for Elders seeks friendly visitors, medical escorts, pet pals (to visit elderly people with pets), walking partners, and volunteers to provide one-time and short-term assistance. JP chapter volunteers offer friendship and care in English and Spanish. Info: JP chapter, 277-5248/

Volunteers Needed to Help Seniors Understand Their Medical Bills, Action for Boston Community Development seeks volunteers for Serving the Health Information Needs of Seniors (SHINE) program. Info: Elaine Cronin, 348-6226. 12-day training qualifies volunteers to staff hotline for seniors with questions about Medicare. A program of Action for Boston Community Development. Info: Emily Shea, 348-6380.

Horizons for Homeless Children, seeks volunteers for its playspace programs at locations throughout the state, including JP. Info: 445-1480.

Boston Partners In Education, seeks volunteers to tutor and mentor BPS students. Info: 451-6145/

Bikes Not Bombs, seeks volunteers and interns to help with administrative work, events-planning and curriculum development. Info:

Dare Family Services is recruiting foster parents in JP to provide safe, loving homes for local foster teens that have been abused or neglected, especially ages 10-18. Info: 427-6500/

American Cancer Society, to drive cancer patients to and from treatment. Info: 800-227-2345/

Friends of Jamaica Pond seeks volunteers, Info:

826 Boston Writing Program, Egleston-based program has oodles of opportunities for volunteers to work with BPS students. Info:

Jumpstart Community Corps, seeks volunteers (ages 55+) to work one-to-one with preschool children in Boston neighborhoods including JP. Volunteers serve 6 hours a week during the school year. Comprehensive training and $800 stipend provided. Info: Katharine Gamer, 542-5867 x515.

Public Notices

Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council, now accepting applications for members to fulfill remaining time on current term through Sept. 2013. Info:

Citizenship info session, learn about the benefits of citizenship, how to apply, register for free application assistance. Tues., Feb. 19, 10-11am & Wed., Feb. 20, 6-7pm, Anna M. Cole Community Center, corner of Heath St. & Columbus Ave. Info: 350-5480×200.

The JP Unitarian Church Food pantry now open, 11am-noon, 6 Eliot St. Info: 524-1634.

Boston Bikes subsidized Hubway memberships, $5 annual Hubway memberships to low income Boston residents who qualify. Info: 918-4458 or 534-5690 (non-English).

Borrow Laptops, every Boston Public Library branch has laptops available for library cardholders to borrow for up to 2 hours of in-library use.

Street Sweeping, City of Boston and state Department of Conservation and Recreation programs, Info/Schedules: Boston,; DCR,

Former Employer Contesting Your Unemployment Claim? Harvard Legal Aid bureau student attorneys may be able to represent you at your hearing. Spanish, Portuguese, Creole support available. Info: 495-4408.

Pay by Plate, a new option is available for Boston parking ticket payment on the City of Boston’s website,

Large Apt. Building Recycling, if you are a Boston resident living in an apt. bldg. with 6+ units, have your landlord call 635-4959 to set up recycling.

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