HYDE SQ.— Mass Bay Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, a new martial arts studio, focusing on Brazilian-style Jiu Jitsu and self-defense, opened on the Blessed Sacrament campus last month.
Brazilian-style Jiu Jitsu differs from its more well-known Japanese cousin in that, according to instructor Lucy Montgomery, is it more fluid and dynamic than the more “static” Japanese style.
“Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is about learning to use movement and leverage to defend yourself,” Montgomery said, which means the art is easily translated into a women’s self-defense context.
“I think it’s great for women,” she said. “It’s about learning to defend yourself on the ground. No punches, no kicks. It’s real-time self-defense.”
The studio is offering a full schedule of classes, including kids’, beginners, advanced and women’s-only Jiu Jitsu classes throughout the week and free self-defense classes every Saturday.
“We offer the women’s classes to encourage women to try it,” Montgomery said. “Because it’s so physical, a lot of women may not want to roll with men.”
In addition to Montgomery, the classes are taught by owners Al Bibeau and David Shim, all long-time martial arts practitioners.
Mass Bay Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is located at 363 D Centre St. Its website is MassBayBJJ.com.