Jamaica Plain’s response to the Boston Marathon bombers manhunt was featured in the U.S. politics blog of the popular Canadian French-language newspaper Le Journal de Montréal.
Journalist Daniel Girard, who writes the paper’s “Politique US” blog, told the Gazette he visits JP regularly, and he has featured the neighborhood often in his coverage over the past several months.
Girard interviewed and photographed JPers—including musician Hilken Mancini and Boston Counter Cultural Compass publisher Sam Potrykus—at Fiore’s Bakery on South Street during the April 19 citywide “lockdown” that was part of the bombing manhunt, and which did not lock down JP very much. He followed up April 20 with interviews of patrons at the J.P. Licks ice cream store on Centre Street.
“Bostonians have never been so proud to be Bostonians,” he concluded.
Girard previously featured “le quartier Jamaica Plain” in blogs about the February blizzard, Hurricane Sandy last fall, and the post-Newtown debate about gun control.
Girard stopped by the Gazette office last year to chat about U.S. politics.
To read the “Politique US” blog, see blogues.journaldemontreal.com/danielgirard.