Route 39 project to start this month

The Route 39 bus improvement project has a general starting date and location after being delayed numerous times. The project calls for several “bump-out” curb extensions, including at the inbound Perkins Street, Roseway Street and Seaverns Avenue stops.

All stops will remain open, but some will be relocated during construction.

“In the middle of this month, work will start at the St. Mark Street stop on South Street and work north to Centre Street,” said MBTA spokesperson Joe Pesaturo in an email to the Gazette.

He said work on Centre Street will take place between the last week in June and the end of July.  The work will continue north onto S. Huntington and then Huntington Avenue, according to Pesaturo. The project is expected to be substantially completed around Labor Day, he said.

The project, which will also affect several other bus routes that use the same stops, has been postponed several times. The latest delay was when the MBTA pushed the start of construction from last winter to this spring.

The Route 39 bus is slated to undergo several changes, including the consolidation of some stops and improved amenities like new shelters and benches and “bump-out” curb extensions. The project is meant to speed service and improve accessibility.


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