The deadline for listings is noon, Tues., Aug. 27 for the Aug. 30 issue. Send listings to [email protected]. Note: 617 should be dialed before numbers below, unless another area code is given.
Special Events
First Thursday, community art shows and walkabout, throughout Centre and South streets, Thurs., Sept. 5, 6-8pm. Info:
Singing for Seniors: Joyful Song for Older Adults, 12-session class beginning Sept. 20, Fridays, 10:30-noon, no experience necessary, registration required, JP Branch Library, 12 Sedgwick St. Info: 524-2053.
JP Drum Medley, freestyle hand drumming circle, bring a drum, other small percussion, meets first Thursday of the month starting Sept. 5, 6:30-8:30pm, First Baptist Church, 633 Centre St. Info: [email protected].
Handreach Beat-brigade drum circle with Cornell Coley, Tuesdays, 7pm, Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St. Info: 298-1790.
Milky Way, 284 Amory St. Info: Saturdays: Mango’s Latin Saturdays w/ The Lee Wilson Movement, 10pm, $10. Mondays, 7pm: Stump Trivia Night.
Midway Café, all shows 21+, doors 8pm, 3496 Washington St, 524-9038. Wednesdays, except the last Wed. of the month: The Authentic Lounge. Thursdays: Queeraoke. Fridays 6-8:30pm: Hippie hour. Aug. 16: Sentry. Aug. 17, 9pm, $10: A Roots Rock Spectacular. Aug. 18, 9pm: An Evening with Circus Mutt. Aug. 19, $5: Monday’s my Friday. Aug. 20: Steak. Aug. 22: Jessi Fanuele. Aug. 23, 9pm: Lovewhip video release. Aug. 24, 9pm: The Leagues. Aug. 25, 9pm: plastique. Aug. 26: Doug Linse record release. Aug. 27: A Frayed Chord. Aug. 29: Tom Appleman Band. Aug. 30, 8pm: The Union Square Round Table & The Boston Counter Cultural Compass present Majesty. Aug. 31, 9pm, $10: The Weisstronauts.
Music & Art at Taylor House, Aug. 23: Leslie Kwan, harpsichord. Sept. 6: Kevin Harris, jazz. Sept. 20: Mark Goodman, piano. Oct. 4: John Funkhouser, jazz trio. Oct. 11: Mark and Glenn Zaleski, jazz. Oct. 18: Jonathan Cohler Trio, jazz. 50 Burroughs St. Info:
Carnival! paintings by Paula Carranza, through August, Connolly Branch Library, 433 Centre St., 522-1960.
Line Dancing with Boston Rhythm Riders, Wednesdays through Labor Day, 6-7pm, outside Franklin Park Golf Clubhouse. Info: 442-4141.
West African dance classes, taught by Zucan, a principal dancer with the Drum and Spirit of African Society. Mondays, 7:30-9pm, English High School, 144 McBride St. Info: 359-1552.
Gender-Free/English Country Dance, beginners welcome and encouraged. 2nd and 4th Tuesdays (5th Tuesdays: experienced) of the month, 7:30-11:30pm, First Church, 6 Eliot St. Info:
Square Dance, all ages, beginners welcome. Second Sunday of the month, 7-10pm, $5, Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St. Info: Info@[email protected]/205-789-7907.
Book discussion, “The Marriage Plot” by Jeffrey Eugenides, Mon., Aug. 26, 7pm, Connolly Branch Library, 433 Centre St., 522-1960.
Connolly Branch Library, 433 Centre St., 522-1960. Weds., 10:30am: Children’s films. Aug. 19, 5pm: kindergarten day celebration, for children entering K1 & K2 & their families.
Egleston Square Library: Tuesdays, 10:30am: preschool storytime, featuring puppets, songs games and fingerplays. 2044 Columbus Ave. Info: 445-4340.
Jamaica Plain Library: Tuesdays 10:30am: Toddler/preschool storytime. 3pm: Creative Drama Children. Wednesdays, 10:30am, baby and books. 12 Sedgwick St., Info: 524-2053.
Kid’s Day! at Boston Farmer’s Markets, children’s activities, cooking demonstrations, Sat. Aug. 17, Egleston Square market, 45 Brookside Ave.
ParkARTS Boston Children’s Festival, hosted by the Boston Parks and Recreation Department, Tues., Aug. 20, 10am-2pm, Franklin Park. Info: 635-4505.
Children’s Theater Project, theater classes for children, tuesdays: 4-5pm, starts Sept. 10, The Footlight Club, 7a Eliot St. Info: 913-8951.
Family art class, wheelchair accessible, Tuesdays 10:30am-11:30am, ages 3-5. Tuesdays, 3:30-4:30pm, ages 5+. Puppet making workshops, July 8, 15, 22, 29, ages 6-13. Family Resource Center, 1542 Columbus Ave. Info: 522-1018.
Learn to stiltwalk with Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St. Sundays, 11am-1pm, $5. Info: 857-498-2438.
After-School Teen Welding and Teen Jewelry Workshops now available from 3-5pm on Mondays and Wednesdays at Stonybrook Fine Arts. Info:
Lost ladybug project, learn about ladybugs help us grow food & their life cycle, help look for ladybugs, Sat., Aug. 17, 10-11:30am, Centre St. & Spring Park Ave. Info: [email protected].
Don’t Cook Tonight, food from various JP restaurants, music, Sat., Sept. 21, 4-8pm. Haymarket People’s Fund, 42 Seaverns Ave. Info:
Knitting Group, Thursdays, 6-8pm, JP Branch Library, 12 Sedgwick St. Info: 524-2053.
Curtis Hall yard sale, Sept. 8, Oct. 13. Info: Sheila/442-6182.
Zumba, Mondays 6-7pm with Joya, Wednesdays 6-7pm with Nancy, Thursdays 6-7pm—1st & 3rd w/ Nancy, 2nd & 4th w/ Joya, $10 drop-in/$45 for a 5 class card/$80 for a 10 class card. Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St. Info: 951-9161.
Calabash, ongoing African dance classes, Mondays & Thursdays, 7pm, English High School, 144 McBride St. $13. Info: [email protected]/359-1552.
Shim Gum Do (Mind Sword Path), zen sword, karate and meditation classes, scholarships available, Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St. Info: 429-8024/[email protected].
School Program Guide at the Arnold Arboretum, guide training begins in late March. Info: 384-5239/
Woodworking, sewing, art classes, fiber arts, photography, book arts. Children, teens, adults, year round. Eliot School of Fine & Applied Arts, 24 Eliot St. Info: or 617-524-3313.
Tour and Talks
JP Historical Society, walks last between 60 & 90 minutes, start 11am, cancelled in case of heavy rain. Aug. 17: Monument Square, meet in front of Loring-Greenough House. Aug. 24: Sumner Hill, meet in front of Loring-Greenough House. Info:
Hairblast: Haircuts with a Social Mission, hosted by Hyde Square Task Force and Ultra Beauty Salon, $50 for a haircut, blowout or both, proceeds benefit Hyde Square Task Force, Wed., Aug. 21, 4-8pm, Ultra Beauty Salon 401 Centre St. Info: 983-8407.