The deadline for listings is noon, Tues., June 3 for the June 6 issue. Send listings to [email protected]. Note: 617 should be dialed before numbers below, unless another area code is given.
Special Events
The Emancipated City: Reimagining Boston final event, showcasing work from Urbano Project’s three spring classes, May 27, 5:30pm, 29 Germania St. Info:
Uncorked, wine-tasting at Franklin Park Zoo, 21+, $45, May 31, 5-7:30pm, One Franklin Park Road. Info:
First Thursday art walk, June 5, Centre/South corridor shops. Info:
Jamaica Plain Branch Library, 12 Sedgwick St, 524-2053. June 5, 6pm: “Transitions” Open Mic, Beatrice Greene and Carolyn Gregory, co-hosts.
A celebration of service, retirement party for Connolly children’s librarian Laura Foner, Mon., June 9, 6-8pm, Connolly Library, 433 Centre St. Info: 522-1960.
sparc! the ArtMobile, “Paint Jazz” freestyle jazz concert & painting, June 12, Bromley Heath. Info:
Bromley-Heath Reunion, $20 ahead/ $30 door, June 21, 8pm, Florian Hall, 55 Hallett St. Info: 508-586-7764.
Fenway Park experience, live NESN broadcast of a Red Sox away game, shown on a giant projector screen, picnics welcome, Sun., June 22, Franklin Park. Info: 585-506-7945.
Connolly Branch Library, 433 Centre St., 522-1960. June 2, 6:30pm: Kina Zoré in concert, traditional and contemporary African music from Helder Tsinine and his band.
Summer Music Series, Wednesdays through Aug. 27, 6-9pm, Bella Luna Restaurant & Milky Way Lounge patio, 284 Amory St. June 4: The Van Burens. June 11: Akashic Record. June 18: Rocking Horse Rodeo. June 25: Cruzamente. July 2: Sara Colb & The Sagamore James Band. July 9: Mark Zaleski Band & Leah Randazzo. July 16: Erin Harpe and the Delta Swingers Back Porch Blues Series. July 23: Creek River String Band. July 30: All of the Animals. Aug 6: Houston Bernard Band. Aug 13: Brian Friedland Trio. Aug 20: Jah-N-I Roots Band. Aug 27: All of the Animals.
Midway Café, all shows 21+, doors 8pm, 3496 Washington St, 524-9038. Wednesdays: The Authentic Lounge (hip hop/reggae/soul); Thursdays: Queeraoke lesbian night; Fridays, 6-8:30pm: Hippie Hour. May 23: The Selfies, Diana Karthas, The 8 Tracks. May 24, 9pm: The Family Dinner, Milkbread, Herban Warfare, Anastasia Markov. May 25, 9pm: plastique with DJ’s Brian Halligan & James Derek Dwyer. May 26: The Half of It, The Hideout, The Runaround. May 27: The Salem Wolves, The Beauty Way, Trusty Sidekick. May 29, 8pm, $5: Jennifer Greer. May 30, $10: Ladymob, Wolfsmyth, The Skeleton Beats, Never Got Caught. May 31, 9pm, $: The Splinters, Black Fortress of Opium, Rotary Club (NYC), Yankee Power. June 1, 9pm, $6: Lizzy Pitch, Kelsey Brown, Mardi Garcia. June 2: Cherry Mellow, Interlopers, Escape Pod, Jive McFly. June 3: The Whitehaus Family Record Monthly Residency. June 5, 8pm, $: Sundog. June 6, 6pm: : All Night Hippie Hour Anniversary Party with Mystical Misfits, Uncle Johnny’s Band, The Hippie Hour All Stars.
Line Dancing with Boston Rhythm Riders, Wednesdays through Labor Day, 6-7pm, outside Franklin Park Golf Clubhouse. Info: 442-4141.
West African dance classes, taught by Zucan, a principal dancer with the Drum and Spirit of African Society. Mondays, 7:30-9pm, English High School, 144 McBride St. Info: 359-1552.
Gender-Free/English Country Dance, beginners welcome and encouraged. 2nd and 4th Tuesdays (5th Tuesdays: experienced) of the month, 7:30-11:30pm, First Church, 6 Eliot St. Info:
Square Dance, all ages, beginners welcome. Second Sunday of the month, 7:30-10pm, $5, Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St. Info: Info@[email protected]/205-789-7907.
Jamaica Plain Branch Library, 12 Sedgwick St., 524-2053. May 27, 4pm: Teens MFA Sumi brush painting workshop.
Connolly Branch Library, 433 Centre St., 522-1960. June 7, noon: Photography of Cuba by Charlie Rosenberg.
Fall into winter, painting of Fogo Island by M’Liz Keefe, through June 15, James’s Gate, 5 McBride St. Info:
Arnold Arboretum: “Peters Hill 360,” photographs by Meri Bond, through May 24, Hunnewell Building, 125 Arborway. Info:
UFORGE Gallery, 767 Centre St. “Brenda Atwood Pinardi: A Retrospective,” painting, assemblage, through June 1. Info:
Boston Cyberarts Gallery, 141 Green St. “Crossover,” art influenced by technology, through June 15, Info: 290-5010.
Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt, book talk with activist and author Chris Hedges, Mon., June 9, 7pm, First Church JP, 6 Eliot St. Info:
Connolly Branch Library, 433 Centre St., 522-1960. June 23, 7pm: “end of your life book club” by Will Schwalbe adult book discussion.
Jamaica Plain Branch Library, 12 Sedgwick St., 524-2053. Poetry reading by Steven Riel, in honor of National Poetry Month, Thurs., May 24, 6:30pm. May 29, 6:30pm; 31, 11am: Writing Program. Desiree Taylor will talk about what makes a passage work or not. Pre-register at JP Branch to get packet of materials. June 12, 6:30pm: Terry Kitchen reading from “Next big thing”, his book about the 1980’s Boston music scene.
The Secret of Jeanne Baret, reading by local novelist Helen Strahinich, First Thursday, June 5, 7 pm, Prudential Unlimited, 673 Centre St. Info:
Connolly Branch Library, 433 Centre St., 522-1960. Wednesdays, 10:30am: Children’s Films. Tuesdays 10:30am: bilingual storytime, ages 2-4. Please register. May 31, 10am: JP kids music festival, make instruments, play drums. June 5, 4:30pm: Flying things. Learn about paper airplanes and make your own fantastic flying creation, ages 6+. June 23, 6:30: family pajama storytime. June 10, 10:30am: Rosalita’s puppets.
Egleston Square Branch Library, 2044 Columbus Ave., 445-4340. out-of-school time homework help, grades K-8, Mon.-Thurs., 3:30pm-5:30pm; Girl Scouts for ages 5-12, Mondays, 4:30-5:30pm; Preschool Stories & Crafts, ages 3-5 with caregiver, Tuesdays, 10:30-11:30am; BTU homework help for all grades, Wednesdays, 4-6pm; Bilingual Story Time for ages up to 2, Thursdays, 3pm; family board games & pizza night, May 14, 6pm.
Jamaica Plain Branch Library, 12 Sedgwick St., Info: 524-2053. Tuesdays, 10:30am: Toddler/preschool storytime. 3pm: Creative Drama Children. Wednesdays, 10:30am, Baby and Books. 4pm: Kids club. Thursdays, 6:30pm; Intercambio: Ingles/Espanol Conversation.
Girls Rock Campaign Boston, week long summer program for girls ages 8 to 17, session 1: July 14-19, session 2: Aug. 11-16. Info:
KidsArts! for grades K-5, after school, vacation weeks and summer program. Now enrolling for 1-week summer sessions, full-day, June 30-Aug 22. Info:
Family art class, wheelchair accessible, Tuesdays 10:30am-11:30am, ages 3-5. Tuesdays, 3:30-4:30pm, ages 5+. Family Resource Center, 1542 Columbus Ave. Info: 522-1018.
Learn to stiltwalk with Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St. Sundays, 11am-1pm, $5. Info: 857-498-2438.
After-School Teen Welding and Teen Jewelry Workshops now available from 3-5pm on Mondays and Wednesdays at Stonybrook Fine Arts. Info:
Knitting Group, Thursdays, 6-8pm, JP Branch Library, 12 Sedgwick St. Info: 524-2053.
Narratives Boston, queer activist-writers group open to LGBTQ-identified adults interested in creative expression and social justice, first and third Wednesday evenings of the month, 7-9pm, Haymarket People’s Fund, 42 Seaverns Ave. Info: [email protected].
Connolly Branch Library, 433 Centre St., 522-1960. Spanish/English language exchange, Saturdays, 1:45pm.
Forest Hills Runners, several weekly group runs, info/schedule:
Egleston Square Branch Library, 2044 Columbus Ave., 445-4340. Gardening club, Tuesdays, 4:30pm. Learn to knit, for teens & adults, instruction by Diane Ivey, May 21, 5:30pm.
JPHS walking tours, 11am, 60 to 90 minutes long. May 24: Stony Brook, starts from the Stony Brook T station, Boylston St. May 31: Historic interiors, evolution & preservation, meet at Loring-Greenough House. Info:
Free singing class for adults 55+, open to all singing levels, Fridays 10:30am-noon, JP Branch Library, 12 Sedgwick St. Info: 524-2053.
Plant Explorers, learn about the history and importance of late 19th and early 20th century explorers, Arnold Arboretum. Info:
Meditation classes: for kids and families, develop happy minds such as kindness, patience & generosity through meditation, teachings, arts & crafts, for kids aged 5-12 accompanied by adult, $5/child, Sundays, 9:30-10:30am. Open: Tuesdays, 7-8:30pm, Sundays, 11am-2pm, $10/adult, $5/kids & seniors. Living Meaningfully, Dying Joyfully, a meditation workshop with American Buddhist Monk, Kelsang Pawo, explore profound methods to increase well-being, happiness, and support loved ones during times of immense challenge, Sat., May 17, 10am11pm, $25/adult, $15/student & senior. Serlingpa Meditation Center, 179 Green St., 2nd floor. Info:
Zumba, Mondays 6-7pm with Joya, Wednesdays 6-7pm with Nancy, Thursdays 6-7pm—1st & 3rd w/ Nancy, 2nd & 4th w/ Joya, $10 drop-in/$45 for a 5 class card/$80 for a 10 class card. Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St. Info: 951-9161.
Calabash, ongoing African dance classes, Mondays & Thursdays, 7pm, English High School, 144 McBride St. $13. Info: [email protected]/359-1552.
Shim Gum Do (Mind Sword Path), zen sword, karate and meditation classes, scholarships available, Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St. Info: 429-8024/[email protected].
Woodworking, sewing, art classes, fiber arts, photography, book arts. Children, teens, adults, year round. Eliot School of Fine & Applied Arts, 24 Eliot St. Info: or 617-524-3313.
South Street Youth Center yard sale, May 31, 10am-2pm, 125 South St. Info: [email protected].
Art 4 Music Silent Auction, to benefit the JP Music Festival, suggested donation $10, Sun., June 1, James’s Gate, 11 McBride St. Info:
Bikes Not Bombs Bike-A-Thon, June 8 (rain date June 22). Info:
The World According to David Rovics, Jimmy Tingle and the Afro D All Starz, fundraiser benefitting Open Media Boston, June 1, 3-5:30pm, Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St. Info:
Call for artists
First Thursday artists, sign up: [email protected].
BNN 30th anniversary commemorative button design contest, for youth ages 12-17, deadline May 30. Application: [email protected].
JP Open Studios registration now open. Info: