CENTRAL JP—Three businesses have found new homes on Centre Street this month: baby shop Hatched and clothing and accessory boutique On Centre have both moved storefronts, while newcomer Noodle Barn opened its doors at 707 Centre St.
Owner Liz Vittori Koch told the Gazette that Hatched moving her store to a long-vacant storefront at 668 Centre St. because it has better pedestrian visibility than her previous Green Street address.
“We’re starting our 10th year. It seemed a good time for a shift,” she said during a Gazette visit last week. “It’s really nice to see how mamas and their kids respond” to the new space,” she said.
Philip Celeste, owner of On Centre, now at 676 Centre St., told the Gazette that he moved from a spot farther up Centre because the new space is larger and has a better location.
“Here, we can have more products in more categories,” he said, pointing out the expanded line of clothing options, including coats, leggings and bags, and new dressing rooms.
“We’re also really focusing on having a JP product section,” he said.
During the Gazette’s visit, he spent some time on the phone, discussing the design of some JP-themed drinking glasses.
He also pointed out some of the new items he now has the space to carry, including a small, ethanol-based decorative fireplace and old-style landline phones.
Noodle Barn is the second restaurant, and first in JP, opened by Napat Sriwannavit and Phunthip Sittijirachote. The partners bought Ban Chiang House, a Thai restaurant formerly at 707 Centre St., earlier this year. It is now Noodle Barn, a Vietnamese and Thai restaurant. It also serves big noodle bowls, called pho.
Sriwannavit did not respond to a Gazette email. She and Sittijirachote also co-own Pho & I House of Noodle and Rice in the Fenway/Symphony area.