The Southwest Corridor Park (SWCP) is getting ready to expand between Forest Hills and McBride Street thanks to over three years’ worth of work by a dedicated group of neighbors. But the project is at a crucial junction, needing to…
The state Supreme Judicial Court has ruled that Pedro Valentin, who took part in a 1991 Jamaica Plain murder, will not get a new trial, according to the Suffolk County District Attorney’s (DA) Office. Pedro Valentin was convicted of first-degree…
Darien James Dillon, infant son of Ani Dillon of Jamaica Plain, passed away Dec. 5, 2014. Darien was born preterm on Dec. 4 and lived for one day. Funeral services will be held Fri., Dec. 19 at the Robert J.…
El plazo para la lista de eventos es el 13 de enero al mediodía para la publicación del 16 de enero. Mande a [email protected]. Atención: Marque el 617 antes de los números que salen abajo. Reuniones Reunión del comité de…
The past week has seen a striking juxtaposition of discussions about the future of Franklin Park. Mayor Walsh flew to California to tout a Boston Olympics bid that Boston 2024 assures us would be a boon to the park—after it…
With the holidays here and the official start of winter on the way, we hope you enjoy this unique time of celebration and reflection. (And we hope you remember Mayor Walsh’s suggestion to shop local, too.) Hanukkah, the Jewish commemoration…
The headline accompanying the front-page photo of Hubway bikes being removed for the winter from Centre Street (Dec. 5 issue) states in bold, all-caps lettering, “BIKE SEASON ENDS.” Well, maybe it has ended for Hubway, but for an ever-increasing number…
With all the air traffic over the past few months of jets departing Runway 27 at Logan, many of us in JP are looking for a way to let Massport and the Federal Aviation Administration know that: 1) we are…
By Rabbi Victor Reinstein and Rabbi Howard Jaffe Massachusetts Board of Rabbis The Massachusetts Board of Rabbis reaches out in solidarity with African-Americans and with all Americans of conscience. We express outrage in response to the recent police killings of…