More Hubway bikes and free Wi-Fi. A renovated school gym. And more water-bottle refilling stations in parks like the one pioneered at Jamaica Pond. Those are the City budget priorities chosen by a vote of more than 2,500 Boston youths…
Month: June 2015
Zoning Committee approves South St. dev.
The Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council’s Zoning Committee voted earlier this month to approve Croan McCormack’s planned renovation of 108-110 South St. The City’s Zoning Board of Appeals’ Office said a hearing date has not been scheduled for the project. McCormack…
New Olympics protest group forms
Nativity Grads
Senior Visit
ZBA approves 38-42 Hyde Park Ave.
The City’s Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) on June 2 approved City Realty Group’s (CRG) proposed development at 38-42 Hyde Park Ave. CRG plans to turn 38-42 Hyde Park Ave. into a three-storey building with six residential units above a…
Forest Hills Gap
JP Agenda, June 19, 2015
The deadline for listings is noon, Tues., June 16 for the June 19 issue. Send listings to [email protected]. Note: 617 should be dialed before numbers below, unless another area code is given. Meetings JP Branch Library renovation meeting, Tues., June…
St. Paul Centennial
JP Pets: Dog park demand still high; number still low
The demand for off-leash dog parks in Jamaica Plain remains high, as a walk through the Arnold Arboretum shows, but the options for owners are slim and don’t look promising anytime soon. The current options for JP dog owners are…