The 64 Allandale St. project is a litmus test for the Boston Redevelopment Authority—is it the old agency, working primarily for the rich and powerful developers in the city or is it the new, transparent organization that is responsive to…
Month: May 2016
Editorial: The BRA—a little less asinine
The Boston Redevelopment Authority recently fixed an illogical irregularity that the proposed project on Mission Hill at 1470 Tremont St. brought to light. Before that project, the BRA did not have a policy on whether existing units on site would…
Letter: Allandale St. project deserves green light
Thank you for covering the controversy over the proposed development at 64 Allandale St. It is important to note a few things at the start of discussing the issue. First, something will be built on this privately-owned land and second,…
Letter: Early ed school funding crucial
When we returned to Boston a year and a half ago, my son got a slot at the West Zone Early Learning Center in Jamaica Plain midway through his K2 year last year. He’s now a first grader there, and…
Letter: Latin Quarter is welcoming
In his recent letter to the Gazette, “Latin Quarter Name Change Risky” (4/29/2016), Frank Stone states, “The last thing JP needs is some thug or thugs who think only Latinos are allowed into the Latin Quarter.” He then expresses a…
Letter: Concerns remain for Allandale St. project
We appreciate the Gazette’s continuing coverage of the proposed development adjacent to Allandale Woods. (“Abundant Displeasure Voiced over New Design of 64 Allandale Project,” 4/29/16) The piece correctly reports that the developer aims to spend 20 million dollars to build…