El 1 de febrero el comité de zonificación de JPNC (Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council) aprobó unánimemente el plan de JPNDC (Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation) para construir un desarrollo de la vivienda cien por ciento asequible en Jackson Square en…
Month: February 2017
City Realty’s Washington St. project to start construction in fall
Construction will begin on City Realty’s 3193 Washington St. sometime this fall, according City Realty spokesperson Andrew Scherding. Construction is expected to take 12 months. The City’s Zoning Board of Appeals granted variances for the project last month despite the…
Stonybrook’s Slow Streets program in ‘final stages’
The Stonybrook neighborhood’s Slow Streets program is in the “final stages” of design and will be implemented sometime this year, according to Boston Transportation Department (BTD) spokesperson Tracey Ganiatsos. The Slow Streets program is part of the City’s Vision Zero…
Artist chosen for Hyde Square project
The City has chosen Spanish artist Cristina Parreño Alonso to create a public art project as part of the Hyde Square reconstruction, according to a press release. A request for proposal was issued for the project last summer. The Hyde…
JP Agenda, Feb. 10, 2017
The deadline for listings is noon, Tues., Feb. 21 for the Feb. 24 issue. Send listings to [email protected]. Note: 617 should be dialed before numbers below, unless another area code is given. Meetings JP Problem Properties Committee, first Wednesday of…
HJSMS releases business profile of district
Hyde/Jackson Square Main Street (HJSMS), a business promotion organization, has released a business profile document of the district that has found that the area has “great transit access” and has renowned and diverse restaurants, such as El Oriental de Cuba…
Residents meet to discuss potential dog park
While waiting for an official meeting to be planned by the state Department of Conservation (DCR), Jamaica Plain dog owners have held their own meeting to discuss potential locations for a new dog park (or two) in the neighborhood. Since…
HSTF youths to rally for rec center
Members of the Hyde Square Task Force, a youth-oriented nonprofit, will be hosting a rally and press conference at the Jackson Square T Station on Feb. 13 at 4:30 p.m. to build support for Urban Edge’s proposed $21 million recreation…
ZBA approves 76 Stonley Road project
The City’s Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) voted on Feb. 7 to approve variances for the 76 Stonley Road project, according to Inspectional Services Department (ISD) spokesperson Lisa Timberlake. ISD oversees the ZBA. Developers John Morrissey and Bryan Austin have…
The Last Streetcar to Arborway, part II
By Franklyn P. Salimbene Salimbene, a longtime Jamaica Plain resident who is a board member of the Arborway Committee for Public transit, Inc and a senior lecturer in law at Bentley University, recently penned a personal reminiscence of the last…