The Zoning Board of Appeal (ZBA) met virtually on April 6, where members approved a proposal at 11 Danforth St., and denied the housing 18 unit residential building at 632-638 Centre St.
11 Danforth St.
At 11 Danforth St., applicant Kyle Marder of the Wilbur Group and KM Construction said that the owner of the third floor unit is “looking to finish an attic space with two bedrooms and two bathrooms,” and to add a dormer to the existing two dormers.
This project came before the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council (JPNC) Zoning Committee, which approved it along with the full JPNC in February.
Lindsey Santana of the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services said at the ZBA hearing that the Mayor’s Office was in support of the project, and that an abutter’s meeting had been held on January 7 where “neighbors were very supportive.”
City Councilors AnnissaEssaibi George, Michael Flaherty, and Matt O’Malley were also I support, and the ZBA reported that they received two letters of support.
The ZBA voted to approve the project with Boston Planning and Development Agency (BPDA) design review.
632-638 Centre St.
The proposal at 632-638 Centre St. is to change the proposal of nine residential units, office and retail space to 18 residential units and four commercial spaces with retail and office space, and add a fourth story onto the building.
Attorney Kevin Joyce said that the BPDA board approved the proposal in February of this year, and the project has also received support from 17 neighbors.
He said that the four story building would have 18,486 square feet of gross floor area, four commercial spaces on the ground floor, and 18 rental apartments, four of which would be affordable at 65 percent of the Area Median Income.
Nalin Mistry said that there are six two bedroom units ranging from 909 to 932 square feet, and 12 one bedroom units ranging from 630 to 677 square feet proposed, with a total of seven parking spaces including one handicap space. All units are handicap accessible, and there is no roof deck proposed.
“That’s what causes the open space violation,” Joyce said, as neighbors requested the roof deck be removed from the proposal.
No one spoke in support of the project.
Lindsey Santana of the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services said that a public meeting was held on November 10 of last year, and there “have been concerns regarding the community process.” She said that both the Jamaica Pond Association (JPA) and the JPNC have opposed this project, and there is also “significant opposition from direct abutters,” so the Mayor’s Office is also in opposition.
The ZBA reported that they have received 11 letters of support and two letters of opposition.
Resident Joshua Brant, who said he lives on Greenview Ave., said that the project is at the “mouth of my one-way dead end street.”
He said that while he is “pro-density, pro-development,” he opposes this project because of the process it has gone through.
“The developer had permits in hand for a nine unit, three story building,” he said, and “instead chose to start construction on an 18 unit, four story building without permits in hand. As a result, what that has led to is a stalled project, a hole in the ground for years, and essentially blight on Centre St.”
City Councilors Matt O’Malley and Michael Flaherty were also in opposition.
The ZBA voted to deny this project with the proposed 18 units.