Category: News

New website, column for Gazette

Newspapers exist to document change. So it’s fitting that newspapers do some changing of their own from time to time. The Gazette has made some exciting changes over the past few months that we’re pleased to report to our readers.…

Shuttered school to get new roof

A $1.4 million new roof for the soon-to-close Louis Agassiz School at 20 Child St. is the biggest-ticket capital improvement coming to Jamaica Plain this year in the mayor’s proposed 2012 capital budget. The work is scheduled to take place…

Tot lot closed all summer for fix-up

PONDSIDE—The popular Brewer-Burroughs tot lot, located near the intersection of those two streets, is closed for renovations at least until Labor Day, city Parks and Recreation Department Project Manager Scott Dupuis told the Gazette. The $340,000 project will not significantly…

Arboretum wall collapses

ARBORWAY—A 120-year-old stone wall bordering Arnold Arboretum collapsed at several points during heavy rains last month, spilling chunks of rock near a public path. Experts have warned for years about potential collapse of the historic retaining wall, which essentially holds…

Councilors may run as slate

Faced with a challenge from former City Councilor Michael Flaherty, who quit the council in 2009 to run for mayor, the four incumbent at-large city councilors may run as a slate, At-Large City Councilor John Connolly told the Gazette. Three…

Grocer answers lingering questions

Whole Foods Markets’ June 2 community meeting on its controversial plans to open a store in Hyde Square ended early when police shut it down, but company officials answered some leftover questions this week. One issue that was not addressed…

Protesters claim local roots

Suggestions that anti-Whole Foods activists are agitators from outside the community are false, members of the group Whose Foods? Whose Community? The Coalition for an Affordable and Diverse JP told the Gazette. In an email, Whose Foods member Helen Matthews…

How whole are those foods?

In an what she says was an accidental piece of topical marketing, Faulkner Hospital nutritionist Nancy Oliveira is advertising her June 30 workshop “Be Supermarket Savvy,” with a nod to the most-talked-about grocery store chain in Jamaica Plain. “What are…

Ad Hoc Committee to finish report

The Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council’s Ad Hoc Whole Foods Committee planned at a June 22 meeting to put the finishing touches on a report about the potential effects of Whole Foods Market’s planned move to Hyde Square. The final report…