All telephone numbers begin with area code 617 unless otherwise indicated. Updates can be sent to [email protected] or 617-524-2626. Updated Sept. 2014.
Arts Programs
African American Master Artists in Residency Program, exhibits, educational events, 76 Atherton St., 373-3139.
Aviary Gallery, 48 South St., 477-4728. aviarygallery.com
Boston Cyberarts, arts, technology and new media organization that operates Boston Cyberarts Gallery in Green Street T Station, bostoncyberarts.org.
Boston Public Library Branches have many events and programs. bpl.org
• Connolly, 433 Centre St., 522-1960.
• Egleston Square, 2044 Columbus Ave., 445-4340.
• Jamaica Plain, 12 Sedgwick St., 524-2053.
Chapter and Verse, literary reading series at the Loring-Greenough House, 325-8388. jamaicapondpoets.com
Community Arts Advocates, advocates for local arts and artists, 522-3407. communityartsadvocates.org
Cooperative Artists Institute, an art-based, community-building program, 311 Forest Hills St., 524-6378. tribal-rhythms.org
Eliot School of Fine and Applied Arts, for children and adults, 24 Eliot St., 524-3313. eliotschool.org
First Thursday, monthly art stroll in Centre/South business district, JP Centre/South Main Streets, 694-3545. jpcentresouthmainstreets.org
Footlight Club, America’s oldest ongoing community theater, 7 Eliot St., 524-6506 or 524-3200 (box office). footlight.org
Forest Hills Educational Trust, sponsors Lantern Festival arts programs, cultural walks and other community events at Forest Hills Cemetery, 524-3150. foresthillstrust.org
Freelance Players of JP, original plays performed by young people, 542-7045. freelanceplayers.org
Hallway Gallery, 66 South St., 818-5996. thehallwayjp.com
Jamaica Plain Artists Association, 30 Peter Parley Road, 325-7110. jpaa.org
Jamaica Plain Arts Council, runs JP Open Studios annual art event, 855-5767. jpopenstudios.com
Jamaica Plain Children’s Chorus, 6 Eliot St., 825-0674. bostoncitysingers.org
Jamaica Plain Forum, in coordination with First Church in Jamaica Plain Unitarian Universalist, a free public series that features speakers, discussions and events, 6 Eliot St., 477-8630. jamaicaplainforum.org
Jamaica Plain Gay and Lesbian Contra Dancers, events at First Church in Jamaica Plain Unitarian Universalist, 522-2216.
Jamaica Plain Historical Society tours, events, and publications on the history of JP. JPHS.org
Jamaica Plain Music Festival, annual concert at Jamaica Pond Park. jpmusicfestival.com
JP Art Market, 36 South St., 522-1729. jpartmarket.com
JP Concerts, concert series at St. John’s Episcopal Church, 7 Revere St., 874-4009. jpconcerts.org
JP Reads, annual community-wide literary events centered on a single book. jpreads.org.
JP Unplugged, acoustic music series at the Loring-Greenough House, 12 South St., 524-3158.
Loring-Greenough House, historic building tours and events, 12 South St., 524-3158. loring-greenough.org
Music and Art at Taylor House, visual arts, classical and jazz concerts, 50 Burroughs St., 983-9334. taylorhouse.com/musicandart
Omega Theater, 41 Greenough Ave., 522-8300. omegatheater.org
Spontaneous Celebrations, offers many activities, including classes, dinners, workshops, festivals and after-school programs; Sponsors Wake Up the Earth Festival and Lantern Parade at Jamaica Pond, 45 Danforth St., 524-6373. spontaneouscelebrations.org
Stonybrook Fine Arts Studio, 24 Porter St., 522-3331. stonybrookfinearts.com
UFORGE Gallery, 767 Centre St., 553-4480. uforgegallery.com
Parks and Recreation
Arnold Arboretum, 125 Aborway, 524-1718. arboretum.harvard.edu
Brewer/Burroughs Tot Lot, between Burroughs St. and Eliot St.
Community gardens, several at various JP locations operated by Boston Natural Areas Network. bostonatural.org/communitygardens.htm.
English High School Athletic Fields, Amory St. and Williams St.
Forest Hills Cemetery, 95 Forest Hills Ave, 524-0128.
Franklin Park, with forest, golf course, other recreational areas, various entrances along Forest Hills St. and Walnut Ave. franklinparkcoalition.org
Franklin Park Zoo, One Franklin Park Road, 541-5466. zoonewengland.org
Jamaica Plain Community Centers, three sites offer a host of services, including senior citizens activities, adult education and learning programs, preschool, after-school programs, summer youth programs, swimming, work-out areas and gym.
• Curtis Hall, 20 South St., 635-5193.
• English High School, 144 McBride St., 635-8979.
• Hennigan School, 200 Heath St., 635-8264.
Jamaica Pond Park, 507 Jamaicaway, 635-4505. jamaicapond.com
Jefferson Playground, Day St. and Heath St.
Kelly Rink, outdoor ice skating, 1 Marbury Terrace, near Stony Brook T station, 727-7000.
Nira Rock Urban Wild, 18 Nira Ave. nirarock.org, [email protected]
Olmsted Park, along the Jamaicaway between Perkins St. and Huntington Ave. 635-7275.
Parkman Memorial, Francis Parkman Drive.
Rossmore/Stedman Park, Rossmore Road and Stedman St.
Southwest Corridor Park, featuring many recreational areas, playgrounds and bike lanes, along Amory and Lamartine Sts. between Forest Hills and Jackson Square T Stations.
Starr Lane Park, 17 Starr Lane.
YMCA Egleston Square, 3134 Washington St., 522-0946. ymcaboston.org/egleston
Jamaica Hills Association, 44 Allandale St. jamaicahills.org, [email protected]
Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council, composed of elected members from across Jamaica Plain who make recommendations and ensure community input in government decisions. jpnc.org
Jamaica Pond Association, jamaicapondassociation.com
Stonybrook Neighborhood Association. sna-jp.org
Sumner Hill Association. sumnerhillassociation.org
Business Groups
Egleston Square Main Streets, 3313 Washington St., 522-7752. eglestonsquare.org
Hyde/Jackson Square Main Street, 339 Centre St., 522-3694. hydejacksonsquare.org
Locally Owned JP, meet-up for local business owners. meetup.com/locally-owned-jp
JP Business and Professional Association, 522-1150.
JP Centre/South Main Streets, 670 Centre St., 694-3545. jpcentresouthmainstreets.org
JP Local First, nonprofit organization for independent, locally owned businesses. jplocalfirst.org
Washington Street Business Group, 3399 Washington St.
Activism and Community Service
Arborway Coalition, advocates for the Arborway parklands and area, 22 Arborway, 524-0602. gatewaytothearborway.blogspot.com
Arborway Committee, advocates for improved public transit. blogs.arborway.org
Bikes Not Bombs, promotes bicycles as a tool for community empowerment with bicycle recycling and youth training. Bike Shop: 18 Bartlett Sq., 522-0226. Office/Youth Programs: 284 Amory St., 522-0222. bikesnotbombs.org
Boston Parent Organizing Network, 209 Green St., 3rd Floor, 522-2766. bpon.org
Boston Private Industry Council, 555 Amory St. (School-to-Career Office), 524-5224. bostonpic.org
Bridging Forest Hills, promotes new bridge rather than planned new surface streets that soon will replace Casey Overpass in Forest Hills. rebuildcasey.com.
Casa Nueva Vida, transitional family shelter, 53 Glen Road, 524-6332. casanuevavida.org
Coalition to Mobilize, Educate, and Vote!, 31 Germania St., 522-2424. hydesquare.org/programs/CEMV.html
City Life/Vida Urbana, a housing organization focused on tenants’ rights and affordable housing, 284 Amory St., 524-3541. clvu.org
Community Servings, delivers meals to homebound people, 18 Marbury Terrace, 522-7777. servings.org
ESAC (Ecumenical Social Action Committee, Inc.), home repairs for seniors, lead paint issues, many related housing services, 3313 Washington St., 2nd Floor, 524-2555. esacboston.org
Ethos, serves seniors who want to stay at home as long as possible with case management, home care, meals on wheels, an elderly meal program, transportation, long-term care ombudsmen, housing, caregiver support and volunteer services. Offers Latino lunch and culture cafe in JP. 555 Amory St., 522-6700. ethocare.org
Family Service of Greater Boston, provides integrated health and social services to at-risk families and individuals, 31 Heath St., 523-6400. fsgb.org
Friends of the JP Branch of the Boston Public Library, 524-2053. bpl.org/branches/jamaica.htm
Friends of the Connolly Branch of the Boston Public Library, 433 Centre St., 522-1960. bpl.org/branches/connolly.htm
hopeFound, shelter and programs for homeless people, 170 Morton St., 983-0351. hopefoundboston.org
Friends of Kelly Rink, 301-8358. sites.google.com/site/friendsofthekellyrink
Grassroots International, a human rights and development agency, 179 Boylston St., 4th floor, 524-1400. grassrootsonline.org
Haymarket People’s Fund, funding for social change, 42 Seaverns Ave., 522-7676. haymarket.org
Hyde Square Task Force, a large variety of programs for adults and youth in the area, 375 Centre St., 524-8303. hydesquare.org
Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation, a nonprofit community development corporation, 31 Germania St., 522-2424. jpndc.org
Jamaica Plain New Economy Transition, working on equitable development and sustainable green practices in JP. jptransition.org
JP Area Planning Action Council (APAC), a locally-run ABCD program providing direct services and referrals in the areas of advocacy, employment training, youth programs, fuel assistance, community organization, family support groups, and food pantry. 295 Centre St., 522-4250. bostonabcd.org/jamaica-plain-apac.aspx
JP@Home, cooperative group for seniors and people with disabilities to help them live at home. ethocare.org/jphome.
JP Coalition: Tree of Life/Arbol de Vida, 522-4832, 295 Centre St.
JP Cohousing, 65 Cornwall Street, (781) 267-5053. jpcohousing.org
Jobs with Justice, 524-8778. massjwj.net
La Leche League, breastfeeding support, 284 Amory St., 323-3467.llleus.org/web/BostonMa.html
Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 350 S. Huntington Ave., 522-7400. mspca.org
Massachusetts Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 157 Green St., 983-5800. mspcc.org
Mass Energy, offers heating oil at discount prices and energy-efficient alternatives, 284 Amory St., 524-3950. massenergy.org
Neighborhood Pesticide Action Committee, 983-3754. npacboston.org
North American Indian Center of Boston, 105 S. Huntington Ave., 232-0343. naicob.org
Self Esteem Boston, 983-1111. selfesteemboston.com
Showa Boston Institute of Language and Culture, Japanese women’s college, 420 Pond St., 522-0080. showaboston.org
Somali Development Center, provides educational and employment opportunities, 205 Green St., 522-0700. sdcboston.org
South Africa Development Fund, provides grants for health and human rights, 555 Amory St., 522-5511. sadevelopmentfund.org
St. Vincent de Paul Society, St. Thomas Aquinas Church, 97 South St., 524-0240.
Urban Edge, a nonprofit community development corporation, 1542 Columbus Ave., 989-9300 x300. urbanedge.org
Volunteers of America-Massachusetts, a multi-service agency providing housing and counseling for families, youth and frail elders, 441 Centre St., 522-8086. voamass.org
WilmerHale Legal Services Center of Harvard Law School, 122 Boylston St., 390-2588.
Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, 38 Walk Hill St., Church Rectory 40 Walk Hill St., 524-7900. bethelame.org
Boylston Congregational Church, 207 Amory St., 524-0554.
Christ the King-JP/Roxbury, 169 Amory St., ctkneighborhoodchurch.org.
Covenant Congregational Church, 455 Arborway, 524-0775.
Fellowship Church of God, 317 Centre St., 522-5126.
First Baptist Church in Jamaica Plain, 633 Centre St., 524-3992. firstbaptistjp.org
First Church in Jamaica Plain, Unitarian Universalist, corner of Centre and Eliot, 524-1634.
Grace and Hope Mission, 1900 Columbus Ave., 442-7579. gracehopemission.com
Hispanic Community Church of Boston, 85 Seaverns Ave., 232-1416.
Hope Central Church, 87 Seaverns Ave, 522-0600. hopecentralchurch.org
Iglesia Adventista Hispana de Jamaica Plain, 40 Elm St., 983-1076.
Iglesia Bautista Hispana de Jamaica Plain, 10 Kingsboro Park, 522-9006.
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, 236 Chestnut Ave., 617-522-7521.
Latvian Luthern Church, 100 Rockview St. 524-4622
Nehar Shalom Community Synagogue, 43 Lochstead Ave. 522-3618. neharshalom.org
Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 46 Brookside Ave., 524-0434. ourladyoflourdesjpma.org
Our Lady of the Cedars of Lebanon Church, 61 Rockwood St., 522-0225. ourladyofthecedars.org
River of Life Church, 440 Centre St., 942-3586. rolcboston.org
St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church, 169 Amory St., 477-4108.
St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox, 522-3323.
St. Johns Episcopal Church, 1 Roanoke Ave., 524-2999.
St. Mary of the Angels, 377 Walnut Ave. 445-1524. rc.net/boston/stmaryoftheangels
St. Thomas Aquinas Church, 97 South St., 524-0240.
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St. Andrew, 24 Orchard Hill Road, 522-3325.
United Baptist Church, 322 Centre St., 522-7293.
U.S. Congress
U.S. Sen. Ed Markey, 565-8519. markey.senate.gov
U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, 565-3170. warren.senate.gov
U.S. Rep. Michael Capuano, 621-6208. house.gov/capuano
U.S. Rep. Stephen Lynch, 428-2000. lynch.house.gov
Massachusetts Legislature
Sen. Sonia Chang-Díaz, 722-1673. malegislature.gov/People/Profile/SCD0
Rep. Jeffrey Sánchez, 722-2370. malegislature.gov/People/Profile/J_S1
Rep. Liz Malia, 722-2060. malegislature.gov/People/Profile/EAM1
Rep. Russell Holmes, 722-2220. malegislature.gov/People/Profile/REH1
Mayor’s Office
JP Neighborhood Coordinator Jullianne Doherty, 635-3485.
Boston City Council
District City Councilors for JP: Matt O’Malley, 635-4220 and Charles Yancey, 635-3131.
Citywide City Councilors: Michael Flaherty, 635-4205; Stephen Murphy, 635-4376; Ayanna Pressley, 635-4217; Michelle Wu, 635-3115.
Police and Courts
Emergencies and anything to report to police: 911 or cell phone 343-4911
District E-13 JP Station, 3345 Washington St., 343-5624. bpdnews.com/districts/e-13
Crime Watch groups: There are at the least 20 in Jamaica Plain. Info: Neighborhood Crime Watch Program of Boston Police: 343-4345. bostoncrimewatch.com
West Roxbury District Court (in JP), 971-3004.
Legal Services Center (non-criminal cases): 522-6785.
Health Care
Angell Animal Medical Center (veterinary), 350 S. Huntington Ave., 522-7282. mspca.org
Arbour Hospital (mental health), 49 Robinwood Ave., 522-4400. arbourhealth.com
Beth Israel Deaconess HealthCare Jamaica Plain, adult medicine, 545A Centre St., 522-5464. bidmc.org
Brigham and Women’s Advanced Primary Care Associates, South Huntington, 301 S. Huntington Ave., 1-800-294-9999.
Brigham and Women’s Faulkner Hospital, 1153 Centre St., 983-7000. faulknerhospital.org
Brookside Community Health Center, 3297 Washington St., 522-4700. brighamandwomens.org
Dimock Community Health Center, 555 Dimock St., 442-8800. dimock.org
ESAC Boston Asthma Initiative, 3313 Washington St., 971-0863. esacboston.org/bai/index.html
Lemuel Shattuck Hospital, 170 Morton, 522-8110. mass.gov/shattuckhospital
Martha Eliot Health Center, 75 Bickford St., 971-2100. Pediatrics and adult mental health services. childrenshospital.org
Southern Jamaica Plain Health Center, 640 Centre St., 983-4100. brighamandwomens.org
Veterans Affairs Medical Center, 150 S. Huntington Ave. 232-9500. boston.va.gov
Youth Programs
826 Boston, writing and tutoring for young people, 3035 Washington St., 442-5400. 826boston.org
Bottom Line, helps disadvantaged youths get into and stay in college, 500 Amory St., 524-8833. bottomline.org
English High Community Center True Hiphop Culture Program, 635-5244.
Hennigan Community Center Teen Center, 635-5198.
Home for Little Wanderers, 271 Huntington Ave., 267-3700. thehome.org
Hyde Square Task Force Peer Leaders, 375 Centre St., 524-8303. hydesquare.org
Italian Home for Children, residential care facility for children, 1125 Centre St., 524-3116. italianhome.org
Jamaica Plain Youth Soccer (6.5-14 years old). jpyouthsoccer.org
Jamaica Plain Children’s Soccer (3.5-6.5 years old). jpchildrensoccer.org
Jamaica Plain Regan Youth League (baseball, softball), 983-1563. reganyouthleague.org
Neighborhood Childrens Theatre, [email protected].
Roberto Clemente League, 828-9524, [email protected].
YMCA Egleston Square, 3134 Washington St., 989-0946. ymcaboston.org
Public Schools
Boston Teachers Union School K-8, 25 Walk Hill St., 635-7717. btuschool.org
Curley K-8, 493 Centre St., 635-8176. curleyk8.com
English High School, 144 McBride St., 635-8979. englishhs.org
Greater Egleston Community High School, 3134 Washington St., 635-6429. greatereglestoneggs.com
James Hennigan Elementary, 200 Heath St., 635-8264. boston.k12.ma.us/hennigan
John F. Kennedy Elementary, 7 Bolster St., 635-8127. bostonpublicschools.org/school/kennedy-jf-elementary-school
Joseph P. Manning Elementary, 130 Louders Lane, 635-8102. bostonpublicschools.org/school/manning-elementary-school
KIPP Academy Boston Middle School, 215 Forest Hills St. 390-5140. kippma.org
Margarita Muñiz Academy, 20 Child St., 635-8198. munizacademy.org
Match Charter Public Middle School, 215 Forest Hills St., 857-203-9668. matcheducation.org
Match Community Day Charter Public School, 86 Wachusett St., 983-0300. matcheducation.org
Mendell Ellis School, 164 School St., 635-8234. bostonpublicschools.org/school/mendell-elementary-school
Mission Hill K-8, 20 Child St., 635-6384. missionhillschool.org
Rafael Hernandez K-8, 61 School St., 635-8187
West Zone Early Learning Center, 200 Heath St. 635-8275. bostonpublicschools.org/school/west-zone-early-learning-center
Private Schools
British International School of Boston, 522-2261. Britishschoolofboston.org
Hollow Reed School, 93 Sedgwick St., 524-9004.
Nativity Preparatory School, 39 Lamartine St., 857-728-0031. nativityboston.org
Neighborhood School, 34 Peter Parley Road, 522-0880. neighborhoodschooljp.org
Child Care
Family-Based Child Care
Early Learning Child Care System, 14 Hyde Park Ave., 983-5030.
Family-based Child Care Training Program, JP Neighborhood Development Corporation, 522-2424 x232. jpndc.org
Child Care Centers
Adolescent Parents’ & Children’s Center, English High School, Williams St. 635-6978.
Bilingual Montessori School of Boston, 61 Rockwood St., 522-3286 or bilingualmontessori.org.
Bromley-Heath Cave, 30 Bickford St., 524-2691.
Copper Beech Day Care, 179 Amory St., 524-3237.
Early Learning Center, Hennigan School, 200 Heath St., 635-8275.
Hennigan Community Center, 200 Heath St., 635-5198.
Hollow Reed School, 93 Sedgwick St., 524-4881.
Italian Home for Children, 1125 Centre St., 524-3116.
Jamaica Plain Head Start, 315 Centre St. Rear, 522-5533.
KidsArts! at First Church in Jamaica Plain Unitarian Universalist, 6 Eliot St., 524-0818. jpkidsarts.org
Melvin Patton Infant & Toddler Program, Bromley-Heath, 962 Parker St., 542-1713.
Native American Community Head Start, at the North American Indian Center of Boston, 105 S. Huntington Ave., 232-8534.
Nazareth Family Center, 19 St. Joseph St., 522-4040.
Neighborhood Schools, 34 Peter Parley Road, 522-5209.
NICE Day Care, 2990 Washington St., 445-3766.
Shattuck Child Care Center, 180 Morton St., 522-8110.
Wee Care, 305 Lamartine St., 522-7901/[email protected].
West Roxbury District Court Children’s Center, 445 Arborway, 971-1200.
YMCA Egleston Square, 3134 Washington St., 522-0946. ymcaboston.org
Adult Basic Education
Boston Public Library branches. bpl.org
Catholic Charities/El Centro del Cardenal Adult Education Program, ESOL, 16 St. Joseph St., 522-4040. ccab.org
Jamaica Plain APAC, jobs and job preparation, 295 Centre St., 522-4250. bostonabcd.org/centers/jamaica-plain
JP Coalition Tree of Life/Arbol de Vida, information and referrals, 295 Centre St., 522-4832.
JP Community Centers, Adult Learning Program, ESOL, GED, 635-5201. Computer Learning Center, 635-5193. jpcommunitycenters.com
Refugee and Immigrant Assistance Center, 31 Heath St., JP, 522-8345.
Somali Development Center, 203 Green St., 522-0700. sdcboston.org
Spanish Immersion JP, 295 Centre St., 522-4832. spanishimmersionjamaicaplain.org
X-CEL Adult Education, college transition program, 522-2590. x-celeducation.org