HYDE SQ.—Two men—one of them a Jamaica Plain resident—were wounded by gunfire on April 28 while standing outside the Captain Nemo’s pizza shop at 367 Centre St.
Three men were charged last week with gun and drug violations related to the shootings, according to the Boston Police Department (BPD).
The shooting happened around 9:30 p.m. A 23-year-old resident of JP’s Hyde Square area was shot in the hip, and a 21-year-old Roslindale man was shot in the foot. Both were hospitalized with injuries BPD described as “non-life-threatening.”
Witnesses reported hearing five or six gunshots from the area of the pizza shop at the corner of Centre and Creighton streets. A white SUV with Connecticut plates was then seen speeding away from Creighton down Centre and Perkins streets.
BPD officers stopped an SUV matching that description—a rental vehicle—in West Roxbury. The occupants were arrested after officers allegedly saw ammo on the floor and possible bullet damage to one door. Heroin and marijuana were allegedly found on one suspect and more than $850 in cash on another.
Officers later executed a search warrant on the vehicle, allegedly finding a loaded 9mm handgun, a 30-round ammo clip and a substance believed to be crack cocaine.
The three suspects are Nelson Baez, 28, of Canton and Juan Guzman, 30, and Edwin Toledo, 26, both of Hyde Park. All three face charges of unlawful possession of a firearm and ammo; carrying a loaded firearm on a pub-lic way; possession of a high-capacity firearm device; and possession of Class B drugs with intent to distrib-ute.
Captain Nemo’s was issued a license premise violation citation by a BPD officer last week for allegedly refusing to let the officer into the restaurant to inspect its license. The officer was investigating the pos-sibility that of employees violating the business’s license by serving food out of the back door around 1:50 a.m., according to a BPD report. The officer’s visit was not directly related to the shooting investigation, according to the BPD Media Relations office.
The owners of Captain Nemo’s did not return a Gazette phone call for this article.
The April 28 shooting happened about three blocks from 319-321 Centre, where a Roslindale man was killed in another street shooting in January. A Roxbury man is charged with murder in that case.