We recently completed the 16th annual Elizabeth Stone House Wilderness Heals pledge hike and want to express our heartfelt gratitude to all of the hikers, volunteers, team leaders and sponsors who helped to make this an incredible experience of accomplishment and empowerment for all involved.
We are deeply grateful to all of you who supported the Elizabeth Stone House by giving a pledge in honor of the nearly 50 women who joined me by hiking for three days in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. This amazing outpouring of community support enables the Elizabeth Stone House to continue its mission of helping individuals and families rebuild their lives from the devastating effects of domestic violence, homelessness, substance abuse and mental health struggles.
After months of hard work, physical training and fund-raising, dedicated hikers, including former Elizabeth Stone House residents, set out on their three-day journey. They hiked for hours and miles. During its 16-year history, hundreds of women have dedicated their time and energy to take part in Wilderness Heals as a way to inspire and support the families of the Stone House. They have helped to raise awareness that homelessness, violence and abuse cannot be tolerated, accepted or silenced.
Our fund-raising goal this year was $130,000. These funds enable us to continue to provide vital services to individuals and families from all over the Greater Boston area—including an emergency shelter, transitional housing and other needed services. We are excited and proud to say that we have currently raised over $131,000, surpassing our goal!
Our heartfelt thanks to all of you who have contributed to this inspiring weekend that recognized the amazing efforts of Stone House staff and board members, community partners and sponsors, and most importantly, this year’s Wilderness Heals team leaders, hikers and donors.
Thank you for your continued support and commitment.
Erika Whyte, Wilderness Heals Event Coordinator, Elizabeth Stone House of Roxbury, Roxbury