Egleston Square-area citizens should seize their chance to vote in the Sept. 27 preliminary election for the District 7 Boston City Council race.
Turnout in preliminaries is usually terrible. The vote only narrows the field; deciding the winner comes in the Nov. 8 final election. And the District 7 race has been quiet in JP, despite four candidates: incumbent Tito Jackson and challengers Althea Garrison, Roy Owens and Sheneal Parker.
So why bother voting? Because you’ll really stand out when you do.
Sure, elected officials aim to represent all of their constituents equally. But, guaranteed, they know who the super-voters are who come out for every election. If you ever need government help, you’ll probably hop to the top of the list.
The same goes for entire areas. JP as a whole is getting a lot more attention from governors and senators and so on these days since its voter turnout has pumped up.
If Egleston citizens come out to vote Sept. 27, it can make a big difference for the neighborhood—and not just in terms of who’s on City Council.