To quote Mark Twain, news of our death has been greatly exaggerated (“Occupy JP continues with fewer members,” March 16).
OJP, and Occupy as a whole, are definitely not socialist groups. Occupy is a diverse group. Our members are Democrats, independents, moderates, faith-based activists–and yes, some socialists of various stripes. All are people who seek serious reforms of our political and economic system so that it better serves the interests of the many. No viewpoints are unwelcome except ones that seek to oppress or intimidate others.
As far as reports of our fading strength: like all Occupies, we have expanded our activities far beyond occupying spaces. OJP has been an active player in the campaign to stop fare hikes and service cuts to the T, an effort that built toward a great protest rally and People’s Assembly at the State House on April 4. Our members have been seen flyering for this cause all over JP. OJP has also been at the center of Occupy efforts to protest tax inequalities on April 17, Tax Day.
It is true that our Sunday night organizational meetings at Farnsworth House have become smaller as our focus has shifted from regrouping toward action. But our members are still out there doing good work for Occupy all round the Boston area. Visit our website (—or, you could drop in on our Sunday night meeting if you are curious about what we are up to. Sometimes there are brownies….
C. Joseph Cugini
Jamaica Plain