The utility company National Grid is warning its customers of a bill-payment telephone scam being operated by criminals in the New England area.
The scammers call a customer and ask them to purchase a Green Dot MoneyPak pre-paid credit card to pay a balance or pay for replacing a faulty meter. The scammer then asks for the 14-digit security serial number on the card, allowing the criminals to withdraw funds from the card’s account.
National Grid does not have a Green Dot MoneyPak program and does not ask customers to pay directly for faulty equipment, the company said in a press release distributed by the local District E-13 Police Station.
If you are contacted by the scammers, call police at 911. National Grid also would like to hear reports of any scams. Electricity customers can call 1-800-322-3223 and natural gas customers can call 1-800-732-3400.
From press materials.