At-Large City Councilor Felix Arroyo, who lives in Jamaica Plain, planned to hold a hearing on ending the stigma of mental illnesses, according to a press release. The hearing was to be held Dec. 18, after the Gazette deadline.
“Mental illnesses affect many different people of all ages and backgrounds, but due to the stigma, many mental illnesses go undiagnosed and untreated,” said Arroyo, according to the press release.
The Boston Public Health Commission, the Boston Public Schools and local state Rep. Liz Malia were among those that were expected to speak.
Sánchez hosts Hispanic legislator meeting
Local state Rep. Jeffrey Sánchez hosted members of the Board of Hispanic Caucus Chairs (BHCC) in Boston earlier this month for the organization’s 7th annual conference, according to a press release.
BHCC is an organization that consists of elected chairs of Latino caucuses in each state legislature.
“I am thrilled to be able to host my national colleagues in Boston,” said Sánchez, who is the conference committee chairman. “This is a great opportunity for other Hispanic chairmen and chairwomen to learn about our city, our state, our innovative healthcare system and our economy.”
The conference included workshops on public health, economic development and public safety.
Chang-Díaz receives education award
Local state Sen. Sonia Chang-Díaz received an education award from the National Association of Education Service Agencies last month, according to a press release.
Chang-Díaz and her Education Committee co-chair, state Rep. Alice Peisch, were picked for their working in reforming the state’s system of education collaboratives. Education collaboratives allows school districts to share resources to achieve goals, such as professional development for teachers.
“The new collaboratives law will ensure that financial abuses in collaboratives never go unchecked again, while also allowing the good work of collaboratives to continue,” said Chang-Díaz, according to the press release.
Chang-Díaz won another education award earlier this year when she was named the Legislator of the Year by the Massachusetts Association of School Committees.