CropCircle Kitchen (CCK), a nonprofit, shared-use industrial kitchen at the Brewery Complex in Jamaica Plain, is expanding operations to a facility in Grove Hall, according Jen Faigel, a development consultant and board chair of CCK. The facility at 196 Quincy…
Month: February 2013
JP woman footballer: ‘It’s not flag football’
When Jamaica Plain resident Nelli Ruotsalainen tells people she plays football, they assume it’s not of the tackle variety. Ruotsalainen, who is a running back for the New England Intensity professional women’s football team, wants to change that. “I want…
Meditate on Art
Bank robber charged with rapes
Egleston farmers market a hit, expands to summer
The Egleston Square Farmers Market, originally intended as a winter-only market, is such a hit that it will now run every season except the spring. The winter farmers market, which takes place indoors at Our Lady of Lourdes Church Parish…
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu studio opens in Hyde Sq.
HYDE SQ.— Mass Bay Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, a new martial arts studio, focusing on Brazilian-style Jiu Jitsu and self-defense, opened on the Blessed Sacrament campus last month. Brazilian-style Jiu Jitsu differs from its more well-known Japanese cousin in that, according…
Decision on school-choice plan delayed
The External Advisory Committee (EAC), a group put together to help form a new school-assignment system, will wait to make a decision on recommending a new plan until the end of the month, according to a Boston Public Schools (BPS)…
JPNDC receives funds for projects
The Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation (CEDAC) announced Jan. 17 the commitment of almost $1 million to build three affordable housing developments, including two projects by the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation (JPNDC), according to a press release. CEDAC, a…
New members selected for JPNC
Five new interim members have been selected to serve on the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council (JPNC) until full elections take place this summer. Personal chef and small business owner Jen Rogers was selected by sitting JPNC members as the new…
Cops: Man fends off kidnappers
JAMAICA HILLS—Three would-be kidnappers in ski masks attacked a man and hit him in the face with a pistol before he escaped on Feb. 5 at the Springhouse Retirement Community at 44 Allandale St., according to a Boston Police Department…