HYDE SQ.—OGO Gallery, a temporary “pop-up” art exhibition space, is debuting today in a vacant storefront at 405 Centre St.
The gallery is the brainchild of real estate agent and artist Eileen Taylor, who saw a chance to highlight artists while showing off a donated space.
“There are a million people out there who do great work,” Taylor told the Gazette.
The first exhibit, “Tenfold,” showcases the work of students at Taylor’s alma mater, the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Faculty member Ethan Murrow is partnering in the exhibit, which is slated to run through March 15. Other shows may happen unless and until the space finds a long-term tenant.
“We’re not charging any rent,” said landlord Mordechai Levin, himself an art admirer and collector, adding that potential long-term tenants are looking at the space.
The storefront in the heart of Hyde Square was long the home of the Bella Luna Restaurant and Milky Way Lounge before its move to The Brewery on Amory Street several years ago. Last fall, the space had a short life as a campaign office for current U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren.
Taylor, a 54-year-old Brighton resident, said she hopes the pop-gallery idea will spread and that she can keep OGO going locally.
“I’d love to keep it in JP,” she said. “I think that’s the neighborhood that’s sort of coming up.”
The debut exhibit kicks off with an opening tonight, March 1, 5-8 p.m. The gallery’s hours may be flexible but are expected to be Wednesdays through Saturdays, 2-7 p.m. The artists will staff the gallery. For more information, see ogogallery.com.