Gazette columnist publishes marathon bombing ebook

Chris Faraone, a Jamaica Plain journalist who writes the Gazette’s “Politics as Unusual” column, has published an ebook of essays and photos about the week of the Boston Marathon bombing.

“Heartbreak Hell: Searching for Sanity in Boston through a Week of Tragedy & Terror” is currently available for free at a dedicated website, A version for Kindle is available on for 99 cents.

When the bombs went off during the April 15 race, Faraone was walking toward the finish line area to attend two parties, one of them at the Forum restaurant, the site of the second bomb.

“I don’t see closure anywhere on the horizon–at least not for those of us who need something more substantive than a moment of silence, or a bus with an LED claiming ‘BOSTON STRONG,'” Faraone writes in the ebook. “I’m trying to act normal–go about my business–but I’m a basket case.”

Faraone wrote several articles about post-bombing Boston, including reports on the mood in JP that were published in DigBoston and “American Prospect.”

Faraone is a former Boston Phoenix reporter who is the author of the book “99 Nights with the 99 Percent: Dispatches from the First Three Months of the Occupy Revolution” and the forthcoming “I Killed Breitbart.”

The cover of Chris Faraone's "Heartbreak Hell." (Courtesy Image)

The cover of Chris Faraone’s “Heartbreak Hell.” (Courtesy Image)

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