I was disappointed in the comment made by Rep. Jeffrey Sanchez referring to the possible move of ABCD to Bromley-Heath Youth and Family Center (The Cave) that it will be “not just a drop-in center, but a place people go to better themselves.” (“ABCD might go to ‘The Cave,’” May 10.) For over 40 years the Cave was a place where hopes and dreams were realized. As in most housing developments, people achieve beyond the expectations of those individuals who think public housing residents are underachievers. Doctors, lawyers, teachers, minister, pastors, singers for Tangle wood, Air Force pilots, nurses and directors of programs and more were nurtured at the Cave. Many agencies and organizations used the space for workshops on health, education, job opportunities and community meetings. The Cave offered after-school and summer programming, singing and modeling lessons, the Junior Youth Empowerment program, and was a safe haven for many. It’s safe to say that ABCD has big shoes to fill. I only hope that they love those who attend the Cave for their services as much as all of us who worked there.
Gerald P. Casey
Jamaica Plain