Christina DiLisio recently reached her first-year anniversary as executive director of the Roslindale Village Main Street (RVMS), a business promotion organization, and during that time she said she has learned the importance of following up with the many stakeholders in the community.
“People really appreciate it,” said DiLisio in a recent Gazette phone interview.
She said that when a problem or situation arises, there are often many stakeholders involved, such as residents, businesses or city and state officials. DiLisio stressed the importance of circling back to each one of them to make sure the solution was attained.
She relayed an anecdote where a business was having trouble with its recycling pickup service. DiLision gave the owner the information needed to solve the problem and came back later to make sure it was resolved.
“That type of follow-up means the world to them,” she said.
DiLisio said there are several “exciting” happenings on the horizon for RVMS, including an online partnership that will allow for residents and visitors to shop locally easier. She said RVMS is teaming up with Main and Me, a startup online platform, to create an app and webpage to allow people to discover local businesses and see what they offer.
“We are hammering out the details,” said DiLisio. “We hope to have something relatively soon.”
Another event she is working on is bringing a concert to the neighborhood. She said she is in talks with the Boston Parks and Recreation Department for the concert to take place at Healy Park. DiLisio said she does not know yet what type of music will be played, but said, “We anticipate a fairly big concert.”
DiLisio also said RVMS is getting ready to welcome another business to the district, as the Delicious Yogurt is set to open at 4198 Washington St. sometime in June or July. The Delicious Yogurt will serve frozen yogurt.
For more information about RVMS, visit