The Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) will release a second draft of the Plan: JP/Rox planning study later this month, according to spokesperson Gina Physic.
She said the BRA is planning on hosting a workshop on the planning study Sept. 21 and will release a second draft afterwards.
Meanwhile, the Stonybrook Neighborhood Association (SNA) sent the BRA a letter with documents raising specifics concerns on the planning study. Those concerns include the planning study having 13- to 15-story buildings in the Forest Hills area, which SNA said could cause a “tunnel effect.” SNA also expressed apprehension about the number of new units the planning study is proposing for the area, questioning whether the infrastructure can handle it.
“The BRA has received the Stonybrook Neighborhood Association’s letter regarding PLAN: JP/Rox,” said Physic. “Members of the planning team are taking the SNA’s suggestions into consideration along with the feedback they received from other individuals, neighborhood associations, and theme- and geography-based groups.”
Plan: JP/Rox is the long-awaited planning study for the Columbus Avenue and Washington Street corridor, from Jackson Square to Egleston Square to Forest Hills. The planning study, which was launched more than a year ago and will eventually create new zoning for the area, was originally supposed to go the BRA board last month, but was pushed to the fall after activists called for a three-month delay to allow for more discussion.
The draft plan lays out an ambition proposal to have 3,500 units be built along the corridor, 30 percent of which would be affordable housing. The 30 percent target would be met through several avenues, including housing built by community development corporations and through a “density bonus.” The density bonus would allow developers to build denser buildings in exchange for having more affordable housing.
For more information about the plan, visit