JPNC Candidate Bio: Pamela Bender, At Large

Pamela Bender

The Gazette offered all of the candidates for the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council the opportunity to submit biographical statements for publication on our Web site.

The election will take place on July 12 at Jamaica Plain Orange line stops, as well Hi-Lo Foods in Jackson Square, J.P. Licks, and in the parking lot next to Star Fish in Egleston Square. Polls will be open between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. and again between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m.

Pamela Bender: I first ran for the JP Neighborhood Council four years ago because I wanted to do something to ensure that JP remained the affordable, diverse and welcoming community I moved into in 1998. I am running for re-election to the Neighborhood Council to continue working toward those goals. During the last four years I have co-chaired the Housing and Development Committee, which formulated an inclusionary zoning policy aimed at producing more truly affordable housing in JP. The Neighborhood Council unanimously endorsed that policy and two years later the city adopted key parts of our policy. The Housing and Development Committee is now working on equitable transit oriented development principles to ensure that development around Forest Hills and Jackson Square provide affordable housing and do not displace current residents. The opportunity to work for JP on the Neighborhood Council has been very rewarding. I have learned an immense amount about our community, the people who live and work here and how we can work together to keep JP the vibrant diverse neighborhood we love. I hope you will support me for another term.

Pamela Bender
15 Wayburn Road
[email protected]

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