John Ruch
SOUTH ST.—An April 21 stabbing incident “in the vicinity of South Street” left a teenage boy wounded, according to Jake Wark, spokesperson for the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office, and another source familiar with the case who wished to remain anonymous.
The victim reportedly suffered a punctured lung and was hospitalized. “He’s recovering,” said Wark.
The victim was not immediately available for comment. The Gazette does not reveal the identity of juvenile crime victims.
A source said that the victim reportedly was approached by two other youths who asked him to buy some pot for them. When the victim refused, a fight broke out, and he was stabbed.
The stabbing was first reported as occurring on the state-owned Southwest Corridor Park, so State Police troopers assigned as DA’s Office investigators responded. But it appears the stabbing actually happened on South Street, Wark said.
The source told the Gazette the incident apparently occurred in the area of Rosemary Street, which runs between South Street and the Southwest Corridor.
The State Police will continue investigating for now because they were the first responders, but the case may transfer to the Boston Police Department later, Wark said.
There has long been controversy over the difficulty of getting State Police crime incident reports for the Southwest Corridor and for jurisdiction confusions in the area among state, Boston and MBTA police.
Corrected Version: In the print version of this article, Wark described the stabbing victim as “intoxicated.” Wark later told the Gazette that is incorrect and that the victim was not intoxicated. Wark said a detective he spoke to about the crime mixed up the details of two different incidents, resulting in the incorrect claim of intoxication.