Letter: Bicyclists missing this ‘connection’


You’re a white male, mid-20s. I saw you June 25 at 2:30. I was driving north on the Jamaicaway in a blue Toyota. You were driving north, too, zigging and zagging between cars, until you turned left at Longwood. You were riding a bike, wearing no helmet.

I’m wondering if you have a game of Russian roulette going with the other white male, same age, I saw on June 26 at the same time, driving south, also in J-way traffic on a bike, no helmet. Also with a missed connection in his brain. If so, please take your game elsewhere, where you don’t involve others. On the J-way, use the bike path. We’ll all be safer. And call your loved ones. I’m sure they’ll be glad to know you’re alive.

P.S.: If this isn’t illegal, why not?!

Susan Eisenberg

Jamaica Plain

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