The first community meeting for the programming study for the Boston Public Library’s Egleston Square Branch will be held October 29, 2020 at 6:30pm, via Zoom. The City of Boston is currently conducting a programming study at the Egleston Square…
Month: October 2020
Hadland named Emerging Leader Awardee
The American Academy of Pediatrics has named Scott Hadland, MD, MPH, MS, FAAP, their 2020 Emerging Leader Awardee in the area of adolescent health. Hadland, a resident of Jamaica Plain, is a pediatrician at Boston Medical Center’s Grayken Center for…
Letters to the Editor 10-23-2020
We need legislative action To the Editor: I’m writing in response to “Hybrid in-person learning plan put on hold at BPS.” This article quotes Mayor Martin Walsh as stating that increases in positive test rates are “coming mostly from those…
Editorial 10-23-2020
Voting has begun! Thanks to the early voting laws, every registered voter in Massachusetts has the opportunity to cast their ballot for the upcoming Presidential election in the two weeks prior to Election Day itself, Tuesday, November 3. Although the…
Doyle’s Returns? Proposal Could Bring Back a Reimagined Version of the Beloved Restaurant
In homage to JP’s beloved Doyle’s, which closed last October, a reimagined Doyle’s Restaurant could become a reality under a new proposal. Watermark Development, along with Scales Architecture, presented a mixed-use development proposal for the Doyle’s lot at 3484 Washington…
Vigil for Black Lives Held at First Baptist Church
Since December 2015, a Black Lives Matter vigil has been held monthly outside of the First Baptist Church on Centre St. The September vigil, which was held on October 1, featured Corey Stallings, Program Coordinator at the South Street…
Hybrid in-person Learning Plan Put on Hold at BPS Large Gatherings, Parties at Odds with Getting Kids Back in School
Mayor Martin Walsh and Supt. Brenda Cassellius announced on Wednesday morning they would be putting on hold the phased-in approach to returning to school – pushing back the return of kindergartners one week – due to an increase in…
El regreso a la escuela se pospone debido a COVID Grandes reuniones, fiestas han causado un aumento en la ciudad
El Alcalde Martin Walsh y la Superintendente Brenda Cassellius anunciaron el miércoles por la mañana que pospondrán el regreso a la escuela debido al aumento del coronavirus en toda la ciudad. Los casos positivos están aumentando en todos los…
Several Schools’ and Kids’ Activities Back up and Running with COVID Measures in Place
COVID-19 put a damper on many activities and educational opportunities for children when many of them had to close earlier this year. Heading into fall, many of Jamaica Plain’s schools and extracurricular activities are back in action with some modifications…
Early Voting in Jamaica Plain to Kickoff Oct. 17
Amid a global pandemic, historic racial unrest and a faltering economy voters will head to the polls on November 3 during arguably one of the most contentious U.S. Presidential elections since 1860. Last week, Mayor Martin Walsh reminded…